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Made in Austria, Zalto glasses are some of the highest quality and lightest wine glasses you can find. The glasses are individually handcrafted and mouth-blown and made of crystal glass without lead. With its feather light weight and delicate edges it is the perfect tool to drink your fine wine – leaving nothing in between you and the wine and allowing the wine to take the center stage in drinking pleasure.
To meet the highest demands requires the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. This combined with an approach to superior quality creates something exceptional – Zalto Denk`Art.
Zalto Denk Art Sweet /Dessert Wine Glass:
Underlines elegance and finesse. Balances power and sweetness.
Ideally for: Dessert and Fortified Wines, Sauternes, Auslese, Trockenbeerenaulese, Ice Wine, Port, Sherry, Madeira and Single Malt Whisky.
完美的工藝是Zalto的基本原則。Zalto 在生產酒杯上始終遵循傳統,只使用最高性能的玻璃鼓風機,並選用最好的原材料。以這份傳統工藝生產出來的每隻玻璃杯,都與文藝復興時期偉大的威尼斯玻璃藝術家的精湛技藝相呼應。Denk`Art系列受到地球和宇宙物理的啟發。杯身的曲線以24°,48°和72°的角度傾斜,與地球的傾斜角度一致。古羅馬人在他們的倉庫運用這種角度,發現食物保持新鮮的時間更長,並能改善味道。我們相信葡萄酒可以在Denk`Art玻璃杯中,不論香氣及口感上均能發揮其最大潛力。