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Invitation to Yunnan Red Wine Master Class!
🍷 Join us for an exclusive wine tasting experience featuring Yunnan Red, a renowned wine brand known for its rich history and exceptional quality. Originating from Yunnan Province, China, Yunnan Red benefits from the region's unique climate conditions and soil characteristics, creating an ideal environment for grape cultivation.
Event Details:
📅 Date: Wednesday, March 27th
⏰ Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
📍 Venue: WineWorld Tasting Lounge (1/F, 155 Connaught Road West, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong)
💼 RSVP: Contact Ms. Fanny Lam at +852 9206 2270
💰 Ticket Price: HK$400 per person (includes light refreshments)
💰 HK$200 redeemable on promotional series on the event day
🍷Featured Wines:
1️⃣ Old Vine Niagara Dry White 2019
2️⃣ Old Vine Isabella Dry Red 2019
3️⃣ Old Vine Baco Noir Dry Red 2019
4️⃣ The Dance 2021
5️⃣ The Clouds 2021
6️⃣ XO Brandy
邀請您參加| 雲南紅品酒活動!
品嚐雲南紅酒的迷人風味,每一口都經過精心調配,為您的味蕾帶來無盡的享受。 別錯過這個難得的機會,沉醉在難忘的品酒之旅中!
📅 日期:三月二十七日(星期三)
⏰ 時間:晚上六時至八時
📍 地點:WineWorld品酒室(香港西環幹諾道西155號一樓)
💼 預訂:請聯絡Fanny Lam女士,電話:+852 9206 2270
💰 票價:每位港幣400元(含輕食)
1️⃣ 老樹25年水晶乾白
3️⃣ 老樹25年法國野乾紅
4️⃣ 舞紅葡萄酒
6️⃣ 白蘭地