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Le Meilleur Choix, Vinvautz Wine Cellar
Vinvautz wine cellars embodies the passion that wine makers have shared throughout the centuries. Good wines only become great when aged to its truest potential. With this notion, Vinvautz began its mission in creating the Ultimate Wine Cellar.
Vinvautz wine cellars provides accurate and reliable triple condition management: temperature, humidity and lighting control. The storage environment is precisely monitored and regulated.
- 獨特的熱電冷卻
- 觸控控制面板顯示幕
- 抗紫外線有色玻璃門
- 堅固的防指紋金屬門框
- 雙模組溫控晶片
- 室內燈
- 優質山毛櫸木擱板,振動最小
- 運轉時噪音低
- 1年保固
- 中國製造
5 個山毛櫸木架子
尺寸:648(高)x 355(寬)x 515(深)毫米