Vinedo Chadwick 2010
Vinedo Chadwick 2010
Vinedo Chadwick 2010

Vinedo Chadwick 2010

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Maipo Valley is located just south of Chile's capital, Santiago, Maipo Valley is home to some of the country's most prestigious wines. It is often described as the Bordeaux of South America.

Maipo Valley is one of the most important wine regions in Chile. The rich, fruity Cabernet Sauvignon is undoubtedly the most famous wine style here.

Maipo Valley is the birthplace of grape growing in Chile. In the 1540s, when the city of San Diego was born, the first vines were planted around Santiago.

Vinedo Chadwick 2010 is a prestigious red wine from Chile, produced by the Chadwick family, this wine is made from a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes grown in the Maipo Valley. This wine has a long life ahead of it and its elegance, complexity, and subtlety will increase over time.

Rating :
JS 95 points from JS Wine Ratings
"A racy cabernet with plum and dark berry character and hints of chocolate. It's full-bodied, with firm tannins and a fresh finish. Plenty of hazelnut and cherry character in the aftertaste. Give it three to four years of bottle age before opening. "- Tasted on Thursday, June 19, 2014

RP 92 points from The Wine Advocate
"The 2010 Vinedo Chadwick has a sophisticated bouquet, with pure dark cherry, iodine and blueberry aromas the waft gently from the glass. The palate is smooth and toasty on the entry. There is a lot of oak here, but it has the fruit to support it, while the finish maintains impressive definition and structure. Drink 2015-2025. It was a pleasure to spend two or three hours in the company of Eduardo Chadwick at his estate and undertake verticals of his wines. Few have done more to promote Chilean wine than him, most notably with his blind comparisons with First Growth to demonstrate that Sena stands shoulder to shoulder with Old World icons. As you might guess, we had a long debate about that! But also, we engaged in a long discussion about viticulture and the philosophy behind his portfolio. Readers may remark on my relatively mean scores. I thought long and hard about this. But I firmly feel that recent vintages from Errazuriz completely outshine the older ones and speaking at length with winemaker Francisco Baettig, there is a sense of a winery changing tack and in my opinion, what this estate will produce in the next twenty years will completely surpass the previous twenty years."- Tasted on December,27, 2012 by Neal Martin

Drinking Window: 2013-2032
Grape variety: Cabernet Sauvignon
Alcohol content: 14.5%vol
Capacity: 750ml

Wine Review: Vinedo Chadwick 2010 has a beautiful, bright ruby red color with violet rims. Sensing its aromas, releasing notes of sour cherries, truffle, raspberries, and blueberries framed by tenuous aromas of smoke, tobacco, and cedar, with a subtle reminder of sandalwood. Very powerful on the palate, with firm yet fine tannins and a blend of flavours that reiterate its aromatic profile. Great fresh red and black fruit expression accompanied by cedar, tobacco, pepper, and a touch of bitter chocolate.



邁波谷是智利葡萄種植的發源地。1540 年代,聖地亞哥市誕生時,第一批葡萄樹就種植在聖地亞哥周圍。

Vinedo Chadwick 2010是一款來自智利的著名紅葡萄酒,由Chadwick家族生產,這款酒是由種植在Maipo山谷的赤霞珠葡萄混合而成。這款酒的年限很長,其優雅、復雜和微妙將隨著時間的推移而增加。

JS 95分
“這是一款充滿活力的赤霞珠,帶有李子和黑莓的特點,並帶有一絲巧克力的味道。酒體醇厚,單寧結實,回味清新。回味中有豐富的榛子和櫻桃的味道。在開瓶前讓它的瓶齡保持三到四年。" -2014年6月19日

RP 92分
“2010年的Vinedo Chadwick有著精致的酒香,純凈的黑櫻桃、碘和藍莓的香氣從杯中緩緩飄散。入口時口感順滑而舒適。這裏有很多橡木的味道,但它有水果的支撐,而余韻保持了令人印象深刻的定義和結構。喝2015 - 2025。在愛德華多·查德威克的莊園裏度過了兩三個小時,品嘗了他的葡萄酒,這是一件愉快的事情。在推廣智利葡萄酒方面,很少有人能比他做得更多,最引人註目的是,他將智利葡萄酒與First Growth進行了盲目的比較,以證明塞納葡萄酒與舊世界的標誌並駕齊驅。你可能猜到了,我們對此進行了很長時間的辯論!此外,我們還就葡萄栽培和他的作品背後的哲學進行了長時間的討論。讀者們可能會評論我的分數相對較低。我苦思冥想了很久。但我堅定地認為,Errazuriz最近的年份完全超過了過去的年份,在與釀酒師Francisco Baettig的詳細交談中,有一種酒廠改變策略的感覺,在我看來,這個莊園在未來20年的產量將完全超過過去的20年。"-2012年12月27日由尼爾·馬丁


酒評: 2010年的Vinedo Chadwick擁有美麗明亮的寶石紅色和紫羅蘭色的邊緣。酒體散發出酸櫻桃、松露、覆盆子和藍莓的香氣,煙熏、煙草和雪松的香氣隱約散發出檀香木的清香。口感非常強烈,單寧結實而細膩,混合的味道重申了它的芳香。清新的紅色和黑色果香,伴隨著雪松、煙草、胡椒和少許苦巧克力的味道。