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Founded in 1772, Veuve Clicquot has since lived by its motto, "Only one quality, the finest". "Yellow Label" is its signature champagne, defining the Veuve Clicquot style through a perfect balance of strength, aromatic intensity, freshness & silkiness. The predominance of Pinot Noir provides the structure while the addition of 30 to 45% of priceless Reserve Wines will ensure the year-on-year consistency that is so typically Clicquot.
On the nose: yellow and white fruits, then notes of vanilla and later of brioche.
On the palate: freshness and strength while pear and lemon tastes appear.
Rating: 92 Points by Wine Spectator
Tasting Note: Tightly knit, focused by racy acidity and a streak of minerality, this offers subtle notes of white peach, anise, biscuit and kumquat. The refined finish echoes a smoky note. Drink now through 2022.
早在1772年便建廠的Veuve Clicquot香檳,是個歷史悠久、以釀酒實力聞名的香檳酒莊。1805年,傳奇色彩豐富的凱歌夫人Maddame Clicquot接管此莊,加入了女性特有的細膩、大膽前瞻的創意,酒莊開始大放異彩;凱歌夫人也因多次寫下香檳始上的創舉,獲得香檳區人民尊稱為香檳之母(La Grande Dame)。成立了241年的Veuve Clicquot香檳,釀造出的香檳皆具有圓潤豐盛的口感、生動鮮明的創意風格,與絕不妥協的品質,而備受各界肯定。1996年,受到全球第一大精品集團LVMH的青睞,成為集團擁有的第一個香檳品牌,更加奠定了他在香檳品牌中的「精品」地位。具有清新果香以及豐富的結構,加上柔軟氣泡像牛奶般一樣的質感,口感亦十分清爽。