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Illicit whisky was brought down from the mountainous landscape of the Cairnforn mountainsto Glenkindie. Here, the Glenkindie Inn would have hosted many smugglers and provided a much needed resting place for their long arduous journey south to the market of Dundee.
The Glenlivet Glenkindie Single Cask Edition has been bottled after 14 years of maturation, at 62.1% cask strength and without chill filtration. Featuring notes of pears, peaches and vanilla cream on the nose; toffee apple and fudge, balanced with golden syrup, lemon zest and rhubarb jam on the palate, with a soft and slightly dry finish.
Country: Scotland
Nose – An indulgent medley of fruity pears, sweet peaches and rich vanilla cream. Perfectly balanced with delicate toasted almond aromas and warm cinnamon,
followed by a burst of lively orange.
Taste – engulfs your mouth with the luxuriously sweet flavours of red toffee apple and rich fudge. Perfectly balanced with delicious soft ripe pears, sweet golden syrup, tangy lemon zest and rhubarb jam.
Finish – Soft, sweet and slightly dry.
The Glenlivet Glenkindie Single Cask Edition用上波本桶來陳釀了14年,以62.1%酒精度裝樽,限量168支。它的名字原於一條路徑上的重要地標,這條路徑於18及19世紀開通,原為The Glenlivet創辦人George Smith及多家非法酒商所用,作為旗下產品行銷至蘇格蘭各大型市鎮的運輸路徑。他們將威士忌從綿延起伏的山巒偷運至Glenkindie。然後在Glenkindie旅館稍作休息後再展開南下登地(Dundee)的艱苦長征。
Glenkindie取自單一美國波本桶,經過14年的陳釀時間,酒精度達62.1%,為求還原最原始的風味,Single Cask Edition當然是用非冷凝處理,讓飲家享受猶如直接從橡木桶取酒而飲的感覺。酒香散發蜜桃、梨的水果味,還有濃郁的雲尼拿甜美氣息,接著是細膩的烤杏仁和溫潤的肉桂帶來香辛,最後是明顯的鮮橙香氣。