Kanosuke Single Malt Whisky 2021 SECOND EDITION 700ml
Kanosuke Single Malt Whisky 2021 SECOND EDITION 700ml
Kanosuke Single Malt Whisky 2021 SECOND EDITION 700ml
Kanosuke Single Malt Whisky 2021 SECOND EDITION 700ml

Kanosuke Single Malt Whisky 2021 SECOND EDITION 700ml

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Kanosuke Distillery is a relatively young Japanese whisky producer, founded in 2015 on the southern tip of Kyushu Island. Situated in the Kagoshima prefecture, the distillery takes inspiration from the region's mild climate and proximity to the East China Sea. Embracing a "mellow land, mellow whisky" philosophy, Kanosuke utilizes three distinct pot stills to craft its single malt expressions. The distillery's focus on maturation in a variety of oak casks, including sherry and ex-rice shochu, contributes to the unique character of its whiskies. Through limited annual releases, Kanosuke showcases its evolving whisky-making approach, appealing to both domestic and international whisky enthusiasts. As a rising star in the Japanese whisky scene, Kanosuke Distillery continues to garner attention for its innovative and high-quality single malts.

The Kanosuke Single Malt Whisky 2021 SECOND EDITION is a highly anticipated release that continues our legacy of crafting exceptional single malt whiskies. Reflecting our dedication to the art of whisky making, this limited edition expression showcases rich and complex flavors resulting from our unique distillation process and meticulous barrel aging. With its distinct character and smooth texture, it is a true testament to the craftsmanship and passion that goes into every bottle from Kanosuke Distillery. Discover a symphony of flavors, from caramel and honey to dried fruits and spices, in this captivating whisky with a velvety texture and lingering finish.

Tasting Notes:
Color: Yellow amber
Nose: Citrus, green apple, vanilla, lemon tea
Taste: Honey, Nikki cinnamon, grapefruit
Finish: Elegant sweetness and pleasant bitterness

Winery: Kanosuke Distillery
Region: Kagoshima, Kyushu, Japan
Format: 700ml
ABV: 57%

Kanosuke Distillery 是一家相對年輕的日本威士忌生產商,於2015年在九州島南端的鹿兒島縣創立。該蒸餾廠受益於該地區溫和的氣候和靠近東中國海的地理位置,秉承"溫和之地,溫和威士忌"的理念,利用三種不同的蒸餾鍋釀造單一麥芽威士忌。Kanosuke 注重在各種橡木桶(包括雪利酒桶和前米焼酎桶)中的陳釀,為其威士忌賦予了獨特的風格。通過每年限量發售的系列酒,Kanosuke展示了其不斷進化的釀酒方法,吸引了國內外威士忌愛好者的關注。作為日本威士忌領域崛起的明星,Kanosuke Distillery以其創新和優質的單一麥芽威士忌持續引起關注。

Kanosuke Single Malt Whisky 2021 SECOND EDITION備受期待,延續了我們精心釀造卓越單一麥芽威士忌的傳統。這個限量版的表達展示了我們獨特的蒸餾工藝和精心的桶陳釀過程所帶來的豐富而複雜的風味。它獨特的個性和順滑的口感,真正體現了嘉之助酒廠每瓶酒中所融入的工藝和激情。在這款令人著迷的威士忌中,您將發現焦糖和蜂蜜的香甜,以及乾果和香料的微妙味道。它具有柔滑的口感和悠久的餘味,是一款令人難忘的威士忌作品。


酒廠: Kanosuke Distillery
產區: 日本九州鹿兒島縣
容量: 700ml
酒精度: 57%