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Château Quinault is in the heart of Libourne. The walled 12-hectare vineyard is planted in hot gravelly soil, which raises the temperature in the vineyard a few degrees, resulting in earlier ripening of the grapes. Restored by Doctor Alain Raynaud, these old vines have benefitted from very modern growing and vinification techniques.
Tasting Note: This solid red offers ripe, dark flavors of plum pudding, dark chocolate and iron. The tannins are firm and grippy, but let spice and smoke notes emerge on the finish. Shows good depth and promise.
Rating: 90-92 Points by Robert Parker
Château Quinault L'Enclos名字的起源可以追溯到17世紀,來自於當時一位作家Philippe Quinault的大名。現在的酒莊主人是Dr. Alain and Francoise Raynaud夫婦,他們投入鉅資經營,現在已經擁有一塊約35英畝,位於Libourne市郊的葡萄園。
在1997年生產第一個年份後,就受到酒評家的注意,到了1998年是波爾多右岸的大好年份,也因此造就Château Quinault L'Enclos的大成功,現在的Château Quinault L'Enclos就如同一顆冉冉升起的新星,受到世人矚目,專門生產純淨且具聖愛美濃(Saint Emilion)風格的酒款。
飲酒筆記:Château Quinault L'Enclos 2008 係一款非常容易入口嘅葡萄酒,呈深紅寶石色,酒由倒落酒杯開始,已經香氣四溢,如香水般濃郁既炭燒咖啡尤其明顯,緊隨住梅味、朱古力、煙薰、煙草、雲尼拿同橡木味撲鼻而來!