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The history of Orin Swift Cellars dates back to 1995 when on a lark, David Swift Phinney took a friend up on an offer and went to Florence, Italy to spend a semester “studying”. During that time, he was introduced to wine, how it was made, and got hooked. A few more years of university led to graduation and eventually a job at Robert Mondavi Winery in 1997 as a temporary harvest worker. Deciding that if he was going to work this hard, it would eventually have to be for himself, he founded Orin Swift Cellars in 1998; Orin is his father’s middle name and Swift is his mother’s maiden name. With two tons of zinfandel and not much else, he spent the next decade making wine for others as well as himself and grew the brand to what it is today.
Tasting Note: Aged for 10 months in French oak barrels (42% new), the 2018 Pinot Noir Slander has a pale to medium ruby-purple color. It springs from the glass with notes of raspberry tart, cranberry sauce and rhubarb pie plus hints of Provence herbs and forest floor. Medium to full-bodied, the palate is softly spoken with a nice suggestion of chewiness to the texture and an earthy lift on the finish. 6,650 cases were made.
Country: Napa, USA
Rating: 91 Points by Wine Advocates
15.2% Alc./Vol.
全球最具影響力嘅葡萄酒評論家 Robert Parker曾經稱讚 Orin Swift 釀酒師 Dave Phinney:「放眼全球葡萄酒菁英,Dave係最具創造力嘅年輕釀酒師之一。年紀雖輕卻不失世故練達,持續不斷努力所展現嘅個性與才氣,令人讚賞不已。」
Dave Phinney 向來以大膽創新著稱,擅長把不同葡萄園同不同品種嘅葡萄混合釀造,總是掀起混釀酒新風潮。佢一向鍾意挑戰,打破藩籬,同時也擅長打造暢銷葡萄酒品牌。“Come with me to play and think outside the box” 這句話可以說係Dave Phinney嘅座右銘,因為佢總係想跳脫框架,打破傳統,大膽創新。
令Dave Phinney聲名遠播嘅葡萄酒,就係喺2000年推出嘅加州新潮混釀Zinfandel – The Prisoner,這款酒經常獲得 Wine Spectator嘅高度評價,同時亦係WS百大葡萄酒榜單上嘅常勝軍。2010年,Phinney將 The Prisoner賣咗畀 Quintessa嘅持有人Huneeus Vintners,據消息指出價格為四千萬美元。
Orin Swift嘅酒標同酒名都極為大膽且令人難忘,舉世無雙。其中一款酒標大膽露骨又極具挑釁意味嘅Machete紅酒,連續三年入選 Wine Spectator 百大葡萄酒,無論係葡萄品種嘅少見性,亦或係酒標嘅獨特性,都是一款令人讚嘆嘅美酒。