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At some point in life, you need a glass of wine to soothe yourself, just like living in the city, you want to find reason to be loved. Since you are here, let me tell you a love story, a myth that has been told long time ago…
You must have seen a painting, the theme has been drawn by many Western artists before, a young man with grapes and vine leaves in his hair. He was Bacchus, the god of wine and viticulture. Although he was the child of Jupiter (the king of the gods) and goddess Proserpina, he had an unfortunate childhood. By chance, Bacchus learnt how to make wine from grapes. He also discovered that wine can help to cast away worries, making him forgot his trauma and pain. Since then, he liked to immerse himself in wines. When he was sober, he used to spread happiness on Earth, and taught people how to grow grapes and make wines. It is believed that Bacchus was associated with agriculture and harvests, as well as forests and fruit trees.
「香氣就是一條時光隧道 – 留住浪漫溫馨時刻」
氣味可以影響心情同時刻畫記憶,就像一條時光隧道一樣,每一縷的香氣都能喚醒對於某個人或某段時光的記憶,長久留住當下的感覺。優質原材料搜羅至世界各地、研製自香港的香薰生活品牌 Olfaction N’(歐倫馥舍),正正希望以各款獨特的香氣,為大家帶來一段又一段穿越時空的氣味旅行、細味種種溫馨難忘時刻。繼去年品牌推出靈感源自不同地域時空的五大香薰氣味,今個冬季 Olfaction N’ 為大家帶來全新甜蜜愛的味道 -- Dijon Cassis(第戎甜酒),讓今個冬天彌漫著暖暖愛意,留住浪漫溫馨時刻。
如比放鬆的時刻,就像踏進盛滿了黑加侖子的大缸,濃鬱果香一步步從脚底升起。想像自己植根在這塊 特別的土壤,青草在腳邊作伴,遠邊山丘上的橙樹、蘋果樹,甚至路邊的茉莉花都紛紛探過頭來,一起深深呼吸,把第戎的精靈氣息,都吸進了這一大缸內。還有,大地散發出來的乾燥焦糖甜香,都在提 醒,你腳下踏著的正是第戎田野的古道。歷史古遠的複雜土層所散發出來的氣味,化身成如此簡單,但 又如此令人沈醉的享樂時刻。於是你肯定,自己值得被愛。
Dijon Cassis (第戎甜酒) 香薰枝擴香瓶 200ml / 6 枝香薰棒
前調: 香橙、青綠香、黑加侖子、果香
中調: 覆盆子、黑加侖子、蘋果、茉莉
基調: 香草、麝香、焦糖
使用方法: 將香薰藤枝插入香氛瓶中,擺放於空氣流通位置,讓香氣自然釋放。