La Guita Manzanilla Sanlucar de Barrameda Sherry N.V.
La Guita Manzanilla Sanlucar de Barrameda Sherry N.V.
La Guita Manzanilla Sanlucar de Barrameda Sherry N.V.

La Guita Manzanilla Sanlucar de Barrameda Sherry N.V. 小麻繩蔓莎尼雅雪莉酒

Regular price $198.00 Sale price $168.00
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The saltiest Sherry and the best companion of Hairy Crab

La Guita is a 100% Sanluqueña (from Sanlucar) manzanilla, starting with the grape used for its preparation, its ageing and maturing, right through to the bottling process. Find out about the ageing process using Criaderas and Soleras and discover the magic of the biological ageing under a velum of flor yeast.

Ever heard of the saline style of wine? Sherry, Southern Spain's Famous Fortified Wine, is the one! The way the winemaker does credits the sea breeze with imparting the salty tang noticeable in most Manzanillas. Thus, this salty flavour is believed to develop from its being manufactured on the sea estuary of the Guadalquivir river. Work really well with fresh seafood, so why not give it a go this crab season?

Tasting Note: Medium body, very dry and slightly tangy with hints of chalk and salt. Lime. Light breadcrust and minerals, as well as subtle nutty flavours. Medium long finish, still full and nicely balanced.

有無聽過鹹嘅葡萄酒?被英國文豪莎士比亞稱之為「裝瓶的西班牙陽光」嘅西班牙雪莉酒就有呢個咁獨特嘅地方!雪莉酒中特有嘅海水鹹香確實係嚟自海洋!🌊酒窖位於西班牙南部瓜達幾維河出海口,長期擺放喺山努卡鎮(Sanlúcar de Barrameda)嘅雪莉酒因常年接收大西洋涼爽且潮濕嘅海風,增添Manzanilla那一股帶著潮汐與鹹味嘅海洋氣息。🌬️同海鮮料理非常搭配,海味與鮮味會互相呼應,美味都會倍增!今個大閘蟹季節一於試試佢~
