Norton Malbec Reserva 2016 諾頓 珍藏馬爾貝克 2016
Norton Malbec Reserva 2016 諾頓 珍藏馬爾貝克 2016
Norton Malbec Reserva 2016 諾頓 珍藏馬爾貝克 2016

Norton Malbec Reserva 2016 諾頓 珍藏馬爾貝克 2016

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Norton is the oldest native American grape variety still used for winemaking. It was cultivated by Dr. Daniel Norton in the 19th century and gained popularity in Missouri due to its ability to thrive in challenging conditions. Norton wine is known for its full-bodied character, deep color, and bold flavors of dark fruit with hints of spice and earthiness. It has received recognition for its unique qualities and contribution to American winemaking. Today, it is produced in Missouri and Virginia, representing a symbol of American winemaking heritage.

the Norton Reserva, a truly remarkable Terroirs Blend.  It combines carefully selected grapes from two vineyards in Luján de Cuyo and the Uco Valley to deliver a balanced combination in the mouth and the nose. Our winemakers at Norton carefully select grapes from two distinct terroirs to create a harmonious experience for the palate and nose. The combination of these two terroirs, with their varying altitudes and soils, allows us to craft wines that are both complex and fresh.

By harnessing the diversity of these two terroirs, which differ in altitude and soil, we are able to produce wines that possess a delightful balance between concentration and drinkability. The result is a wine that showcases attractive aromas and offers a captivating tasting experience.

Tasting note:
Colour: Deep red colour with hints of purple
Nose: Ripe black fruits, violets, and tobacco
Finish: Long

Winery: Norton
Varietal composition: 100% Merlot
Capacity: 750ml
Storage Capacity: 8 years 
Alcohol: 14.8% 
Total acidity: 5.85 
PH: 3.42 
Sugar: 2.29

Norton是最古老的本土美國葡萄品種,仍被用於釀造葡萄酒。它由丹尼爾諾頓博士在19世紀培育,因其在惡劣條件下生長良好而在密蘇裡州廣受歡迎。 Norton葡萄酒以其醇厚的特性、深邃的顏色和濃鬱的黑色水果味道,帶有香料和泥土的微妙氣息而聞名。它因其獨特品質和對美國葡萄酒釀造的貢獻而獲得認可。如今,它在密蘇裡州和維吉尼亞州生產,代表著美國葡萄酒釀造傳統的象徵。

諾頓珍藏(Norton Reserva)是一款真正令人印象深刻的特魯瓦混釀葡萄酒。它將來自 Luján de Cuyo 和 Uco Valley 兩個葡萄園精心挑選的葡萄相結合,帶來口感和香氣的平衡組合。我們的諾頓酒莊釀酒師精心挑選來自兩個不同特魯瓦地區的葡萄,為口感和香氣創造了和諧的體驗。這兩個特魯瓦地區,因其不同的海拔和土壤,使我們能夠釀造出既複雜又清新的葡萄酒。



品種組成:100% 美樂(Merlot)