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Château Mont-Pérat is located in Premiere Côtes de Bordeaux. It was first mentioned in the 1864 edition of the famous Feret Wine Guide and is one of the jewels in the crown of the Premières Côtes de Bordeaux. This winery was bought by the Despagne family in 1998, and after five years' work it is producing wine of rare intensity.
The Despagne are rooted in the Entre-deux-Mers for over 200 years and continue the family tradition of excellence. As a family company, the Despagne has made a name for themselves among the great wines of Bordeaux with inventive initiatives in terms of vineyard management and vinification technics.
89 points from Vinous:
"The 2016 Mont Perat is superb. Blackberry jam, chocolate, spice, leather and licorice all come to life in a supple, easygoing Cotes de Bordeaux to drink over the next few years. The 2016 is a bit on the flamboyant side, but very nicely done." - Reviewed by Antonio Galloni
Region/Country: Bordeaux, France
Château Mont-Pérat位於Premiere Côtes de Bordeaux,一個位於波爾多右岸的產區。Mont-Pérat酒莊的第一次文字記載,出現於1864年版Feret Wine Guide,而當時這本知名的葡萄酒Mont-Pérat酒莊譽為Premières Côtes de Bordeaux皇冠上的寶石,地位可見一斑。一百多年後,Despagne家族於1998年買入酒莊,經過五年時間努力後,生產出產區內難得、少見的集中濃郁葡萄酒。
因為一本漫畫的描述而一炮而紅,風靡港日台中四地的Mont Perat,當然神之水滴只係導火線,真正能讓酒友們繼續追捧的,是Mont Perat交出波爾多討大眾歡喜的新派風格 !