Masahiro Pure Malt Whisky

Masahiro Pure Malt Whisky 昌廣日本純麥芽威士忌

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Masahiro Distillery was founded in 1883 by Shobun Higa, whose father Shozoku Higa was the Master Chef for the ancient Ryukyu Kingdom. With the help of Shozoku Higa’s reputation and connections, the distillery was awarded the license to make the traditional Okinawan spirit ‘awamori’ and has since established itself as one of the oldest and largest distilleries in Okinawa. Shozoku’s passion for cuisine can be found alive and well today in Masahiro Distillery’s company philosophy for producing only the best liquors.

Enhancing tradition with modern business philosophy, Masahiro Distillery is the first Okinawan distillery to be certified for ISO 9001 (the international standard for a quality management system), while its scenic environs have attracted tourists and spirit enthusiasts alike.  In 2018, the eighth-generation owner Masayasu Higa successfully launched Okinawa Gin, their first foray into craft whisky and the start of their ambition to become one of the top global producers of premium whisky.

Masahiro Pure Malt Whisky blends a Pure Malt aged in sherry and oak cases for more than three years and Jack Daniel’s first fill bourbon barrel aged for at least half a year. Okinawa’s humid and warm subtropical climate and the Pacific Ocean breeze help accelerate the cask maturation, creating a rich and balanced flavor with hints of tropical fruit.

Tasting Notes:
Nose: Aromas of citrus, pineapple, banana, and other tropical fruit, with a mellow sweet vanilla ice cream flavor. Sweet and balanced.
Taste: A light body and a delicate malt, with a hint of ginger juice and white woody flavor.
Finish: A short finish of mellow sweetness followed by a lingering spicy taste.

Country: Japan

Masahiro Distillery 釀酒廠以現代經營理念營運,是沖繩第一家通過ISO 9001認證的釀酒廠,而其風景優美的環境吸引了遊客和烈酒愛好者參觀,2018年第八代傳人Masayasu Higa 成功推出了沖繩杜松子酒,其後取得了威士忌生產牌照,這是他們首次涉足手工烈酒,並開始成為了全球頂級威士忌生產商之一。

Masahiro Pure Malt Whisky 威士忌將純麥芽原酒在雪梨和波本橡木桶中熟成了三年以上,其後在 Jack Daniel 的波本桶中熟成了至少半年,沖繩的濕潤亞熱帶氣候和太平洋海風有助於加快木桶的成熟過程,創造出豐富而平衡的風味,並帶有熱帶水果的氣息。
聞香:柑橘,菠蘿,香蕉和其他熱帶水果的香氣,帶有淡淡的雲呢拿 香草味,甜而平衡。