Le Clementin Pape Clement Blanc 2016
Le Clementin Pape Clement Blanc 2016
Le Clementin Pape Clement Blanc 2016
Le Clementin Pape Clement Blanc 2016
Le Clementin Pape Clement Blanc 2016

Le Clementin Pape Clement Blanc 黑教皇城堡正牌白酒 2016

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Château Pape Clément is a grand cru wine estate in the Pessac-Léognan appellation in Graves. It is one of the oldest estates in Bordeaux, dating back to the 13th Century. The château takes its name from its founder, Betrand de Got, who was the Archbishop of Bordeaux and became Pope in 1305. It is currently part of the Bernard Magrez group of estates.

The Pape Clément vineyard is situated on a mix of gravel-sand and clay-limestone soils, with a chalky subsoil rich in iron. This is a good terroir for Cabernet Sauvignon (51%) and Merlot (46%), with smaller amounts of Petit Verdot and, Cabernet Franc. An 8-hectare plot of the vineyard is also planted to white grapes – 45% Semillon, 45% Sauvignon Blanc, and 10% Muscadelle. Château Pape Clément produces three pairs of red and white wines: the grand vin, Le Prélat de Pape Clément, and Le Clémentin du Pape Clément.

In the winery, grapes are removed from the stems by hand to keep grapes intact as long as possible. The white wines are barrel-fermented in new oak and then see up to 12 months in barrel.

Rating: 91 Points by Robert Parker
Tasting Note: The 2016 Clémentin de Pape Clement Blanc reveals suggestions of fresh hay, dried persimmons, pineapple and wild thyme plus a waft of oyster shell. Medium-bodied, crisp and clean, with compelling saline notions, it finishes long and mineral-laced.
Country: France
Chateau Pape Clement (黑教皇)是波爾多Pessac Leognan區的珍品,Château Pape Clement位於距離波爾多市西南方兩公里外的貝沙克產區(Commune of Pessac)。城堡被綠色的草地包圍著,上面種著參天巨樹,週邊是葡萄園,風景美不勝收。
Château Pape Clement的歷史可以追溯到1300年,波爾多區大主教在鄉間買了一塊地產作為往來於城市間的驛站,之後他把這塊地產改造成一座葡萄園。1305年,菲利浦四世(Philipp IV)當政時期,他當上了羅馬教皇,史稱克雷蒙五世(Pape Clement V),這就是城堡名字的由來。酒莊在法國大革命中被收歸國有並拍賣。之後經過眾多轉手易主,並經歷了粉孢菌、黴菌、和葡萄根瘤蚜的危害,還有二十世紀20年代末的世界性的經濟危機,最後終於在1939年時被Paul Montagne收購,此時葡萄園已經幾近荒廢。正當Montagne準備恢復葡萄酒生產時,戰爭爆發了,德國人佔領了城堡。幸運的是,他們只是在屋頂生火取暖時引發火災給城堡造成了輕微的損壞。直到1953年的葡萄大豐收才使得Château Pape Clement的葡萄酒生產恢復了往日的光輝。現在莊園的經營已經全權交給了Montagne的女婿Bernard Magrez,繼續為世人提供好酒。