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“We began by making whiskey at home. This gave us a chance to learn for ourselves what makes good whiskey—in some cases our answers confirmed conventional wisdom, but more often they turned it on its head. As a result, our whiskey is idiosyncratic; its taste reflects our values. We believe whiskey making is more than a business: it is an historical, agricultural, political, and gastronomical act. And it should be good fun.” —Colin Spoelman, Co-Founder and Master Distiller.
Kings County Distillery is New York City’s oldest, largest, and premier whiskey distillery, the first since prohibition. Founded in 2010, Kings County makes handmade moonshine, bourbon, and other whiskeys out of the 120-year-old Paymaster Building in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.
Kings County Distillery’s Straight Bourbon is made from New York State organic corn and malted barley from the U.K., is twice distilled in copper pot stills and then aged in new charred oak barrels. It is characterized by a rich aroma of fresh corn, balanced with the sweet caramelized oak sap from small barrels. It has a very strong sweet base with flavors of vanilla and caramel, a deep molasses taste to the middle notes, and leaves a smooth finish with hints of cinnamon and autumn spices. Aged for at least two years, this bourbon is a precocious whiskey, surprisingly robust for its age.
80% New York State Organic Corn
20% English "Golden Promise" Malt
Off Grain 2 x Pot Distilled
Alcohol Content: 45%
Volume: 375ml
Ageing Barrels: 2+ years
Awards Received: San Francisco World Spirits Competition: double-gold 2019, gold 2017, bronze 2018. ADI Craft Spirit Awards: silver medal 2013 and 2014 (Best in Category), 2012, 2017, 2019, bronze 2018. ACSA Awards: silver medals (2) 2014, 2016, 2019; bronze 2017, 2018.
Rating: 89 points by Jim Murray’s Whiskey Bible 2013 (89=excellent)
Tasting Note: Crisp Demerara sugar; sumptuous texture, aided by melt-in-the-mouth natural caramels; an excellent outpouring of citrus-tinged vanilla; for a year-old bourbon the sugars have accumulated charmingly.
紐約城裡自禁酒令時期以後的第一座威士忌蒸餾廠。 Kings County生產的Moonshine以美味聞名,曾多次獲獎。除此之外酒廠還生產波本、單一麥芽、黑麥等威士忌產品。這家蒸餾廠還上演著布魯克林的創新精神,他們還有泥煤波本,以及巧克力威士忌,果味月光私釀等等新奇玩意兒。 2010年,創始人科林·斯波爾曼和大衛·哈斯克爾建立了這個微型酒廠,在330平方英尺的工作室裡,他們利用晚上和周末進行生產。哈斯克爾在人行道上找到了一部打字機製作了他們的標籤,用黑板潦草的記錄生產的批號,隨著酵母芳香充滿房間,白色的酒液滴滴落下,紐約城再次擁有了自己的威士忌。
在紐約的蒸餾酒廠和微釀啤酒廠一樣受限於紐約市裡廠房不可能太大的因素,偏向生產小量工藝蒸餾酒,在維持各式烈酒基本配方的情況下微調不同穀物的比例,發酵蒸餾出獨特風味的烈酒。Kings County Distillery嘗試將墨西哥辣椒,葡萄柚或可可豆殼浸泡在威士忌裡一段時間,釀製成風味奇特的威士忌酒。