Kavalan Podium 噶瑪蘭堡典單一麥芽威士忌 700ml
Kavalan Podium 噶瑪蘭堡典單一麥芽威士忌
Kavalan Podium 噶瑪蘭堡典單一麥芽威士忌
Kavalan Podium 噶瑪蘭堡典單一麥芽威士忌
Kavalan Podium 噶瑪蘭堡典單一麥芽威士忌
Kavalan Podium 噶瑪蘭堡典單一麥芽威士忌

Kavalan Podium 噶瑪蘭堡典單一麥芽威士忌 700ml

Regular price $1,200.00 Sale price $1,050.00
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Kavalan Distillery has been pioneering the art of single malt whisky in Yilan County, Taiwan since 2005. Kavalan sources the mineral-rich meltwaters of Snow Mountain and is aged in a unique combination of intense heat and humidity together with sea and mountain breezes. All this combines to create the quality, smoothness, and fruity character for which Kavalan is known.

Kavalan takes Yilan County's old name. A land of blessings, it was here that entrepreneur Mr. Tien-Tsai Lee dreamed of a new whisky homeland and a ‘century-old’ distillery to last generations.

Created from hand-selected virgin American oak casks and re-fill casks, this expression is surprisingly delicate and extremely complex.

ABV : 46%
Colour:Dark gold with amber highlights
Flavour:Elegant floral notes layered with tropical fruits including green apple, cherry, grapes and white pepper
Palate:The finale is a long and sustainable after-taste encored over and over again. A finish to be experienced with patience. This is a malt that stirs emotions and redefines sensory perception
Tasting:Flavourful Taiwanese, Thai and Japanese dishes are ably matched by Kavalan Podium


採用全新美國橡木桶與噶瑪蘭酒廠自有的重裝桶調配而成,造就饒富層次的香韻風味,雅緻滑順的口感、餘韻綿延悠揚。 噶瑪蘭堡典單一麥芽威士忌來自精湛選桶與出色的製酒工藝,亦是將噶瑪蘭優雅細膩的風格、展現至淋漓盡致之創新酒款。

酒精濃度 : 46%