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Johnnie Walker has collaborated with the renowned Asian-American visual artist James Jean to launch a new limited edition of Johnnie Walker Blue Label for the Lunar New Year, with the theme of "Azure Dragon".
James Jean's design reinterprets the noble Azure Dragon, the zodiac sign for the year 2024, in a fresh and dynamic way. In traditional Asian culture, the dragon is regarded as the most auspicious zodiac sign, symbolizing vitality, creativity, prosperity, and stability, which resonates with Johnnie Walker's brand spirit of constantly moving forward (Keep Walking). Through James Jean's intricate and layered brushwork, the vibrant Azure Dragon emerges from a rich variety of flora and fauna, showcasing its heroic and lifelike presence.
Johnnie Walker Blue Label is meticulously crafted by Johnnie Walker's master blender, Emma Walker, and her team, using rare and premium Scottish whiskies. Out of every ten thousand casks, only one can deliver this extraordinary flavor, including whisky from "ghost distilleries". Each sip is full of character, with a smooth and rounded mouthfeel. It starts with a rich honey sweetness, accompanied by subtle notes of pepper and dried fruits, and finishes with a gentle smoky flavor. The multiple flavors are perfectly balanced, creating an unparalleled depth.
“There are hidden elements in the picture as well – layers to be discovered, just like the layers in this incredible whisky. I included chrysanthemums, from which flow liquid gold - inspired by Johnnie Walker whiskies - and hummingbirds sipping on the precious nectar.” - James Jean
Country of Origin : United Kingdom
Volume : 700ml
由全球最具影響力的視覺藝術家之一、亞裔美籍藝術家詹姆斯·讓(James Jean)創作的全新約翰尼走路者藍牌農曆新年限量版設計。
這款以龍年為主題的設計以創新且動感的方式詮釋了2024年的生肖動物,高貴的青龍。在傳統的亞洲文化中,龍被視為最威武的生肖動物,象徵著生命力、創造力,以及未來繁榮的預兆,與約翰尼走路者的座右銘「Keep Walking」的樂觀態度相呼應。在詹姆斯的層次豐富的視覺效果中,綠意盎然的木龍從豐富的植物和動物中迸發出來,展現出吉祥、雄心勃勃的氣勢。
詹姆斯從約翰尼走路者大師調酒師艾瑪·沃克(Emma Walker)及其團隊為約翰尼走路者藍牌帶來的令人驚嘆的多重風味中獲得靈感。約翰尼走路者藍牌是使用一些稀有威士忌調製而成,這些威士忌來自約翰尼走路者獨一無二的蘇格蘭威士忌儲存庫,包括一些來自已關閉的「幽靈酒廠」的無法替代的酒桶。每一口都充滿個性,入口柔順、圓融,濃郁的蜂蜜甜味率先湧現,伴隨淡雅的胡椒與乾果香氣, 最後以柔和的煙燻味作結,多重風味完美平衡,層次無與倫比。
「瓶身隱藏獨特的設計元素,如同這款令人難以置信的威士忌,充滿層次,待人發掘。 是次作品加上菊花點綴,金黃色的花蜜緩緩滴出,引來蜂鳥盤繞採蜜,這都是啟發於 Johnnie Walker 威士忌金黃淨透的酒液。」- James Jean
飲法 :
享用 Johnnie Walker Blue Label,先喝一口冰水,令口腔準備就緒,然後喝一口威士忌。