Highland Park Cask Strength Release No.2
Highland Park Cask Strength Release No.2
Highland Park Cask Strength Release No.2
Highland Park Cask Strength Release No.2

Highland Park Cask Strength Release No.2

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Highland Park distillery, located in Kirkwall, Orkney, has been crafting its award-winning whisky since 1798. Situated in a place of natural beauty and rich history, the distillery draws inspiration from the unique environment of Orkney. The combination of age, experience, and tradition results in whiskies that are truly exceptional. Highland Park embraces the wild and untamed character of the island, capturing the essence of Orkney in every bottle. With a dedication to quality and a commitment to time-honored production methods, Highland Park continues to produce whiskies that are renowned for their distinctive flavors and unparalleled craftsmanship.

"Cask Strength Release No. 2" is a cask strength whisky, bottled directly from the oak cask without added water, delivering extraordinary depth, complexity and balance of flavours. The influence of the oak casks provides a diverse range of flavours: American oak seasoned with sherry brings vanilla and toffee notes, while European oak adds deeper, richer flavours of dried fruit and spices; bourbon casks contribute a gentle spicy sweetness. This whisky allows you to freely discover the strength and flavour profile that suits your palate.

For the Cask Strength Release No. 2, Master Whisky Maker Gordon Motion selected a mix of sherry-seasoned European and American oak casks, along with some ex-bourbon casks. This results in an intriguing aroma of rose, pear, coconut and peat smoke, followed by a harmonious blend of sweet and spicy flavours - poached pear, almond cake, honey and liquorice. The long finish features toasted oak, orchard fruits, black pepper and aniseed. The whisky is aptly described as "smoky peppered praline".

Winery : Highland Park
Region : Orkney / Scotland
ABV: 63.9%
Format : 700 ml

Highland Park蒸餾廠,位於奧克尼的基爾科爾(Kirkwall),自1798年以來一直致力於製作屢獲殊榮的威士忌。蒸餾廠坐落在一個自然美景和豐富歷史的地方,從奧克尼獨特的環境中汲取靈感。歲月、經驗和傳統的結合使得這裡的威士忌非常出色。Highland Park蒸餾廠擁抱島上的野性與未馴服的特質,每一瓶威士忌都捕捉到了奧克尼的精髓。秉承著對品質的執著和對傳統生產方法的堅守,Highland Park持續生產著以獨特風味和無與倫比工藝聞名的威士忌。

對於「Cask Strength Release No. 2」這款威士忌,Highland Park酒廠的調酒大師Gordon Motion選用了一種混合了雪利酒風味的歐洲和美國橡木桶,以及少量的波本桶陳釀。這造就了一種引人入勝的香味,有玫瑰、梨子、椰子和煙燻泥炭的味道,接著是一種甜而辛辣並重的口感 - 水煮梨、杏仁蛋糕、蜂蜜和甘草。悠長的餘韻中帶有烘烤橡木、果園水果、黑胡椒和八角的味道。這款威士忌被恰當地形容為「煙燻胡椒味的焦糖脆果」。

「Cask Strength Release No. 2」是一款原酒威士忌,直接從橡木桶裝瓶,不加水,呈現出非凡的深度、複雜性和味道平衡。橡木桶的影響賦予了它多樣化的風味:雪利酒風味的美國橡木帶來香草和太妃糖的味道,而歐洲橡木則添加了濃厚的乾果和香料;波本桶則增添了溫和的香甜辛辣。這款威士忌讓您自由探索最適合自己口味的酒精度和風味。

產區: 蘇格蘭奧克尼
酒精度: 63.9%
容量: 700 ml