Grace Vineyard Deep Blue 怡園深藍 2020
Grace Vineyard
Grace Vineyard

Grace Vineyard Deep Blue 怡園深藍 2020

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Grace Vineyard, 'Deep Blue,' is named after the international bestseller 'Blue Ocean Strategy.'" Also, it is a very personal wine for Judy. When She began at Grace Vineyard at 24 years old. The  'Deep Blue,' is a deep and dark red with a purple hue. It boasts a complex aroma of ripe dark plums, cassis, and blue fruits, with a spicy undertone and notes of vanilla and toastiness from the oak. On the palate, it is rich and full-bodied, with a well-filled texture and fine tannins. The mid-palate is juicy and full, with notes of chocolate and a well-coated sensation of tannins and profound fruit sweetness. All the elements of the wine are well integrated, resulting in a balanced and lengthy finish. 

Produced from China, Ningxia & Shanxi
Vintage: 2020
Grape Varieties: 78% Merlot, 11% Cabernet Sauvignon, 5% Cabernet Franc, 6% Marselan
Length/Type of Aging: Up to 16 months barrel aging in French oak. 13% New French Oak + 25% 1 Year old oak + 62 % 2 to 4 years old oak. A small proportion of the wine was fermented & age in tradition concrete tanks.

Awards ( Deep Blue ) :
Gilbert & Gaillard International Challenge 2021 - Gold Medal.
Decanter World Wine Awards 2022 - Silver Medal.
London Wine Competition 2022 - Silver Medal.
Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition 2021 - Silver Medal.

Grace Vineyard, the pioneer of China's premium boutique wineries, was founded on August 28, 1997 by Mr. Judy Chan and Mr. Thierry Courtade, a Frenchman, with the assistance of the world-renowned French wine scholar Professor Denis Boubals. The winery is located in Taigu, Jinzhong, Shanxi province, China. The company's philosophy is based on the idea that only a family can make long-term plans and produce excellent wines from generation to generation.In 2002, Mr. Chan passed the winery on to his daughter, Judy Chan, who had studied in the United States and returned to China to join the family business. Her arrival injected new energy into the winery and opened a new chapter in its history. In 2018, Grace Vineyard Holdings Limited was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, completing the transformation from a family-controlled business to a public enterprise. Today, Grace Vineyard owns and operates two vineyards that grow and produce wine, one in Shanxi (Grace Vineyard) and one in Ningxia (Grace Vineyard Ningxia), as well as a distillery in Fujian (Dee-Xi Distillery) that produces spirits.

怡園酒莊旗艦酒款“深藍”(Deep Blue)是一款深沉而暗紅的葡萄酒,帶有紫色色調。它散發著成熟的黑李子、黑醋栗和藍色水果的複雜香氣,輔以辛辣的調調和來自橡木桶的香草和烤麵包味道。口感飽滿,質地細膩,單寧柔和。中期口感豐盈,充滿果汁和巧克力香氣,並伴隨著單寧和果香的深刻甜味。所有元素都融合在一起,呈現出平衡和持久的口感。深藍是一款品質卓越的葡萄酒,展示了酒莊生產高品質葡萄酒的承諾。

葡萄品種:78% 梅洛、11% 赤霞珠、5% 品麗珠、6% 馬瑟蘭
陳釀長度/類型:長達16個月的橡木桶陳釀。 13%酒液在新的橡木桶,25%酒液在1年的橡木桶,62%的酒液在2~4年的橡木桶。一小部分酒液在傳統的水泥容器中發酵和熟成。
怡園酒莊是中國優質精品酒莊的先行者,於1997年8月28日由法國人Judy Chan先生和Thierry Courtade先生在法國世界著名葡萄酒學者Denis Boubals教授的協助下創立。 酒莊位於中國山西省晉中市太谷。 公司的理念是基於只有一個家族才能製定長遠計劃並世代生產優質葡萄酒的理念。2002年,陳先生將酒莊傳給了曾在美國留學的女兒Judy Chan。 美國並返回中國加入家族企業。 她的到來為酒莊注入了新的活力,開啟了酒莊歷史的新篇章。 2018年,怡園控股有限公司在香港聯交所上市,完成了從家族控制企業到上市企業的轉型。如今,怡園擁有並經營兩座種植和生產葡萄酒的葡萄園,其中一座位於山西(怡園) 葡萄園)和寧夏的一家(寧夏怡園),以及福建的一家生產烈酒的酒廠(德溪酒廠)。