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In the early 19th Century, Glenlivet was the word for the best in whisky. Universally demanded by the aristocracy and the King, Glenlivet was the guarantee of a quality borne out of an unflinching conviction to produce the best there was. In 1824 George Smith was granted the first legal licence to distill in Glenlivet. From this date on, only this Scotch has had the right to call itself The Glenlivet.
The Glenlivet set the standard in quality and taste that went on to define the Speyside style of whisky. There were many imitators, but no equals. That’s why a landmark case in 1884 ruled in favour of our single malt being the only one that could call itself The Glenlivet. To this day, The Glenlivet remains the benchmark that all other Speyside single malts are measured against.
The delicate and complex character of the 12 Year Old derives from the height and width of stills at The Glenlivet Distillery. This expression is matured in a mixture of cask types, including American and European Oak. Maturation in American oak imparts vanilla notes and gives the whisky its distinct smoothness.The mineral rich water from Josie's Well ensures the best possible results during mashing and fermenting to form the flavours that define this expression.
Country: Scotland
Character: The smooth and welcoming one
Colour: Bright and lively gold
Nose: Fruity, summer-like fragrancesPalate: Well-balanced and fruity with strong pineapple notes
Finish: Creamy and smooth with marzipan and fresh hazelnuts