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Here we have an absolute classic Speysider from a long-time family-owned distillery. This 25 year old single malt from Glenfarclas spent its days in 100% Oloroso sherry casks. It’s complex and delicately sherried, a whisky that’s sure not to disappoint. It won gold at the 2019 International Spirits Challenge and makes a great after dinner treat. Awesome.
Nose: A touch of menthol. Classic Sherry notes, less pronounced than the 15 year old perhaps, but the complexity is greater.
Palate: Incredibly clean central palate, but amazingly tangy. Really zingy top notes. Sherry and creamy barley, hints of gingerbread and nutty chocolate.
Finish: Very, very long and complex finish, oak-rich, hints of smoke, cocoa, buttery...
Overall: One of our all-time favourite Speyside malts.
ABV: 43%
Vol: 700ml
蘇格蘭 格蘭花格25年單一純麥威士忌,該酒款呈現暗金琥珀色,完全成熟了的甜味,適度的碳燻味裡面包含有橘子、蜂蜜、咖啡、雪莉酒與核果的香味,後味非常清新但持久,碳燻味很足。使用正統的舖地式(Dunnage)倉庫陳年,而不使用方便省錢的堆疊式(Racked)倉庫,確保產品的陳年效果。
創廠於1836年,長久以來一直都是由J. & G. Grant家族獨立經營,目前已經傳承到第五代,百年老字號的金字招牌絕非平常對手可以比擬。產區上,Glenfarclas屬於蘇格蘭威士忌之鄉、高地區核心的斯佩賽區酒款之一,此區的威士忌向來以溫和順口、風味香醇而出名。有別於其他蒸餾廠出品的威士忌,主要目的是作為調和威士忌的原料使用,Glenfarclas打從開始釀造的那一刻起就以作為Single Malt產品的目標來生產,對於口味上的要求可是絕不妥協。