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The Fontaine Gagnard winery is located in the Batard-Montrachet Grand Cru appellation of Burgundy, with a long history of winemaking. The 2006 Batard Montrachet Grand Cru is one of the top white wines produced by this renowned winery.Batard-Montrachet is one of the most prestigious white wine appellations in Burgundy, known for producing high-quality white wines, primarily from the Chardonnay grape. The unique geographic and climatic conditions of this region impart distinct flavors and quality to the wines.
Fontaine-Gagnard, a respected winery with a long history in Burgundy, is known for its meticulous vineyard practices and commitment to producing top-quality wines that reflect the unique characteristics of their terroir. The Bâtard-Montrachet Grand Cru vineyard is renowned for producing some of the finest white wines in the world, and Fontaine-Gagnard's interpretation is no exception.
The Fontaine-Gagnard Bâtard-Montrachet Grand Cru 2006 is a wine that embodies the artistry and craftsmanship of Burgundian winemaking. It is a wine to be savored on special occasions and paired with refined dishes such as lobster, foie gras, or creamy poultry dishes.
Tasting Notes: The Fontaine-Gagnard Bâtard-Montrachet Grand Cru 2006 is a wine of elegance and complexity. It offers a bouquet of aromas that may include ripe orchard fruits, citrus zest, toasted nuts, and a touch of minerality. On the palate, this Grand Cru Chardonnay exhibits a luxurious texture, layers of flavors ranging from stone fruits to honeyed notes, and a long, lingering finish. This wine showcases the finesse and terroir expression that are characteristic of the Bâtard-Montrachet appellation.
Wine Name: Fontaine-Gagnard Bâtard-Montrachet Grand Cru 2006
Country: France
Region: Burgundy
Appellation: Bâtard-Montrachet Grand Cru
Vintage: 2006
Grape Variety: Chardonnay
Fontaine-Gagnard酒莊位於勃艮第的Batard-Montrachet Grand Cru產區,擁有悠久的釀酒歷史。2006年Batard Montrachet Grand Cru是這家知名酒莊出品的頂級白葡萄酒之一。
Fontaine-Gagnard是一家在勃艮第享有盛譽的酒莊,以精心管理葡萄園和致力於生產反映其產區特色的頂級葡萄酒而聞名。Batard-Montrachet Grand Cru葡萄園以生產世界上最優質的白葡萄酒而享有盛譽,Fontaine-Gagnard出品的酒款無疑也是其中翹楚。
Fontaine-Gagnard 2006 Batard Montrachet Grand Cru體現了勃艮第葡萄酒釀造的藝術和工藝。這是一款適合在特殊場合品嘗,並可與龍蝦、鵝肝或奶油雞肉等精緻菜餚完美搭配的葡萄酒。
品酒筆記: Fontaine-Gagnard 2006 Batard Montrachet Grand Cru散發著優雅與複雜的香氣,可能包括成熟的果園香氣、柑橘皮、烘焙堅果以及礦物質的氣息。在口感上,這款Grand Cru夏多內葡萄酒展現了豐厚的質地,從柑石果到蜂蜜香味的層次感,尾韻悠長。這款酒充分展現了Batard-Montrachet產區典型的典雅和泰瑞阿(產區特色)表達。
酒名: Fontaine-Gagnard Batard-Montrachet Grand Cru 2006
產國: 法國
產區: 勃艮第
產區等級: Batard-Montrachet Grand Cru
年份: 2006
葡萄品種: 夏多內