Ervideira Conde D’Ervideira Tinto Vinho Da Agua 2015
Ervideira Conde D’Ervideira Tinto Vinho Da Agua 2015
Ervideira Conde D’Ervideira Tinto Vinho Da Agua 2015
Ervideira Conde D’Ervideira Tinto Vinho Da Agua 2015
Ervideira Conde D’Ervideira Tinto Vinho Da Agua 2015

Ervideira Conde D’Ervideira Tinto Vinho Da Agua 2015

Regular price $5,695.00 Sale price $298.00
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Ervideira is a firm in the Alentejo region of Portugal which produces wines of quality and excellence. Their history and their family tradition as wine producers, dating back to the 19th century. With 160 hectares divided between two estates, one in Vidigueira (110 ha) and the other in Reguengos de Monsaraz (50 ha), Ervideira´s company is run by Maria Isabel Leal da Costa, the family’s matriarch, together with the support of her six children, including Duarte Leal da Costa, the executive director. Nelson Rolo is the head winemaker.

Country: Portugal

Grape Varieties:
Touriga Nacional, Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet, Cabernet Sauvignon
Mechanic and at night
Has been produced out of a blend of the varieties Touriga Nacional, Aragonez, Alicante Bouschet and Cabernet Sauvignon, which grapes have been carefully chosen to achieve a unique, exclusive and passioning wine.
It has obtained its complexity, volume and persistency while ageing in French oak barriques. After ageing, the blend bottles have been submerged in the calm and peaceful waters of Alqueva's big lake waters, nearby to Amieira Marina, where it maturated for 8 months in unique and excellent conditions at 30 m deep.
6 to 8 years

A wine with unique features, exuberant aromas, firm but soft tannins, that can impress and raise passion within the ones that have the pleasure of "discovering" this treasure.

Ervideira是品質酒莊的卓越代表,這樣的優良酒莊製造出了協調的Conde d'Ervideira Vinho da Água Tinto 2016 。作為傳統,釀製這瓶紅葡萄酒的葡萄是釀酒師來代替上帝決定,選擇最佳採收時間,同時選用了魅力滿分的丹魄、卡斯特勞、特林加岱拉,丹魄滿載著甜蜜的莓果味,是西班牙國寶級的葡萄品種。得天獨厚的種植條件和出色的浸泡技術,讓您在品鑑中充分接觸香氣奔放突出,溫度的把控能讓葡萄酒的芬芳完全綻放,葡萄牙阿連特茹紅酒風味喚醒更徹底。 Conde d'Ervideira Vinho da Água Tinto 2016中的「Vinho de Agua」可翻譯成「水之酒」,意思指部分釀製過程發生在100英尺水下的板條箱中。 應避光儲存,開瓶前保持約16到18度開瓶短暫醒酒一分鐘後即飲。愉快的品嚐下Conde d'Ervideira Vinho da Água Tinto酸澀平衡,搭配手扒羊排是傳統美味搭配,食物與美酒的搭配不但不會讓丹魄、卡斯特勞、特林加岱拉失去原有的風格,還可以碰撞出更多層次的火花。