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EIEIO & Company was founded in 1998 and Jay McDonald’s first independent commercial vintage was during the amazingly hot 2003 vintage, nothing like having your “feet put to the fire” they say!
EIEIO & Company operated from 2003 through 2014 in leased facilities while Jay searched for and developed his ideal vineyard and winery. Bergstrom Winery was EIEIO’s original operating premises as well as one of the first separately bonded “alternating wine proprietorship” in the state from 2003 through 2007. In 2006 Jay found and purchased his ideal location just outside Carlton. He plans to be in his new winery for the 2015 vintage.
Controversial “white pinot noir”... some critics say not to make it at all as it is “insipid” and then, moments later, award a very nice score… controversial and confusing…
Nose: spring honeysuckle blossoms and subtly scented fresh warm figs just plucked from the tree in mid-summer.
Palate: Clean and crisp entry of thinly sliced tart kumquat juxtaposed over a juicy Asian pear. Once warmed in the mouth, layers of stony minerality shows up, like a slice of apple served on a piece of warm slate. On the finish there is sparkling peach juice just poured over crushed ice with a slice of lime.
Region: Oregon, United States
耶耶喔酒莊(EIEIO & Company)坐落於美國俄勒岡州(Oregon)產區,雖然只是一個年輕的小酒莊,其發展速度和酒的品質都在迅速提升。
耶耶喔酒莊的莊主兼釀酒師是傑·麥克唐納(Jay McDonald)。傑在大學期間就對葡萄酒充滿了興趣,在念完了商務管理與金融的課程後,他來到了俄勒岡州開始從事釀酒工作。 1994年,他在威拉美特谷(Willamette Valley)一個叫卡爾登(Carlton)的小鎮上,買下了一座歷史悠久的建築物並改建成酒莊。在之後的2年內,傑先後發展了葡萄酒推廣、分銷和零售等業務,並於1996年發售了第一款酒。 2年後,耶耶喔酒莊的品牌正式成立,而在潛心研究了多年後,傑開始釀造屬於自己酒莊的酒,酒莊推出的第一批葡萄酒的年份為2003年。
在建立了耶耶喔酒莊後,傑為了找到合適的地方建立葡萄園,走遍了小鎮附近的山區,終於找到一座小山坡。山坡上的土壤類型多樣,囊括了超過20種土壤,再加上充足的陽光和涼爽的空氣,這些條件都能滿足黑皮諾(Pinot Noir)和霞多麗(Chardonnay)的生長。為了增加葡萄酒的複雜性,也為了表現出威拉美特谷的風土特點,傑還會從附近的斯特納葡萄園(Stermer Vineyard)和風車山葡萄園(Wind Hill Vineyard)等葡萄園購入優質的黑皮諾和霞多麗進行混釀。