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Family-owned for over 200 years, the winery has been managed by Ernst F. Loosen since 1988. Great wines, he believes, are the perfect expression of soil, climate and grape variety. With the heritage of his ancestors - old vines, true to their roots, in historic Grand Cru sites of the Middle Mosel – he found exactly the material he needed to produce independent, complex wines of world class. Today applies Dr. Loosen internationally as the figurehead for a rediscovered German Riesling culture. Since 1993, the winery has been a member of the VDP (Association of German Quality Wineries).
In the 1868 viticultural map for the Trier administrative district, which was drawn up as a tax assessment basis for wineries on the Mosel, seven of our sites were designated as Grosse Lage. This classification is similar to the Grand Cru system in Burgundy and was updated in 1995 by Stuart Pigott and Hugh Johnson in their German Wine Atlas. Today, we make a deliberate effort to use this culturally and historically proven classification. Since 1988, we have exclusively bottled Rieslings from the classified Grossen Lagen as single vineyards, while all other wines are designated as Estate or Village Rieslings.
This extremely popular introductory wine embodies the elegant and racy style of classic Mosel Riesling. It is refreshing and fruity, with a fine mineral edge that is typical of the region. The grapes used to make Dr. L come exclusively from traditional vineyards with steep slopes and slate soil. By working closely with a select group of growers on long-term contracts, brothers Ernst and Thomas Loosen are able to ensure excellent quality in every vintage.
Region/ Country: Mosel, Germany
成立超過200年的這家家族酒莊自1988年起由恩斯特·F·魯森(Ernst F. Loosen)管理。他相信,優秀的葡萄酒是土壤、氣候和葡萄品種的完美表達。憑藉祖先的遺產——位於莫澤爾河中部歷史悠久的頂級特級園區的古老葡萄樹,忠於它們的根源,他找到了生產世界一流獨立複雜葡萄酒所需的材料。如今,魯森博士在國際上成為重新發現的德國雷司令文化的代表人物。自1993年以來,該酒莊一直是德國優質酒莊協會(VDP)的成員。
在為特里爾行政區繪製的1868年葡萄栽培地圖中,作為莫澤爾河上的酒莊稅收評估基礎,我們的七個場地被指定為Grosse Lage(頂級特級園區)。這種分級與勃艮第的特級園系統相似,並於1995年由史都華特·皮戈特(Stuart Pigott)和休·約翰遜(Hugh Johnson)在《德國葡萄酒地圖集》中進行更新。如今,我們有意努力使用這一經過文化和歷史驗證的分級。自1988年以來,我們專門將來自分類的Grossen Lagen的雷司令葡萄酒作為單一葡萄園酒進行瓶裝,而其他所有葡萄酒則被指定為莊園或村莊雷司令。
這款極受歡迎的入門級葡萄酒展現了經典莫澤爾雷司令的優雅和活潑風格。它清新而果香四溢,帶有這個地區典型的細膩礦物氣息。用於製作Dr. L的葡萄完全來自於陡峭山坡和板岩土壤的傳統葡萄園。通過與一批特定的種植者簽訂長期合同並密切合作,恩斯特和托馬斯·魯森兄弟能夠確保每個年份的卓越品質。