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Dom Pérignon has always stuck to its founder's vision: always excellent yet always improving. Each vintage is made through delicate assemblage and adjustment, resulting in the mysterious blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes.
Creating this champagne is risky business and requires a lot of skill. Great creativity and precision go into every bottle of Dom Pérignon. Keeping up the timeless style is Dom Pérignon Vintage 2008.
Many celebrities enjoy success with Dom Pérignon. In 1995, rapper Little Shawn, protégé of Diddy at that time, dedicated a whole song to the champagne brand. The music video also featured a cameo appearance of late rap star Notorious B.I.G. drinking Dom Pérignon. To put it short: A bottle of 'Dom P' stands for success!
Rating: 98 Points by Jeb Dunnuck
Tasting Note: The 2008 Dom Pérignon is the first time the estate has released a wine out of order (the 2009 was released before the 2008) but the estate loved the wine so much they felt it warranted additional aging. This is a rich, powerful wine that still shows incredible purity and elegance, with a stacked, concentrated feel on the palate. It’s rare to find such a mix of ripe, pure, concentrated fruit paired with this level of purity, focus, and precision. This is a legendary Dom that surpasses all the great vintages of Dom I have experience with, including the 1990, 1996, and 2002.
1668年,年輕的修道士唐.皮埃爾.培里儂擔任馬恩河谷(Vallée de la Marne)北面山坡上的Hautvillers本篤會修道院的酒窖管理人。本篤會修道院坐落於香檳地區中心,俯瞰著馬恩谷的起伏丘陵。
自1797年,釀造香檳王的修道院和葡萄園就被酩悦.軒尼詩所擁有。酩悦酒廠(Moët Chandon)目前是法國最大的香檳酒廠商,酒廠的葡萄園有1150公頃,酒廠地下酒窖的長度達到28里,香檳王是酩悦酒廠旗下的最頂級年份香檳品牌,現隸屬於全球第一大奢侈品集團LVMH。
唐培里儂只在好年份釀造,所以酒款都是年份香檳而且來自家的葡萄園,除了一級葡萄園 Hautvillers 之外,其他葡萄均來自特級葡萄園;何況 Hautvillers 園區品質可媲美特級。也非特級園的葡萄,就照單全收,仍需嚴格篩選過才可以。經典的年份香檳,需要陳年至少七年才除渣裝瓶上市。一般的香檳酒在五年後達到最佳成熟期,過了 10 年,若保存不佳,極易走下坡路。但唐培里儂香檳卻得天獨厚,10 年正是其巔峰期,細緻、優雅、散發出燒烤栗子的味道,令人印像深刻,無法忘懷。
香檳王 2008 年份優雅馥郁的花香,伴隨薄荷與草本植物的清新氣息,甜美討喜的果香隨之席捲而來,與尾韻展現的堅果、礦石風味完美融合。綿密細緻的氣泡,讓口感更加飽滿但又不失清爽!