Orin Swift Mannequin Chardonnay 奥林斯威夫特酒莊 神氣活現白酒 2021
Region: California, USA
Blend: Aged in 39% new French oak sur lie for 8 months
ALC/VOL 15.4%
Rating: 91 Points by Wine Advocate
Founder of Orin Swift Dave Phinney, a Napa wine legend was named Winemaker of the Year by Wine Enthusiast. Every wine in the portfolio from vineyard source to distinct artwork adorning the label, offers a unique point of view while creating a heart-skipping impression. Robert Parker admires his his wines for their considerable character and complexity. He’s as known for his innovative packaging as he is for wine quality and personality. He believes that wine should resemble a piece of great art, and his labels, inspired as much by street art as fine art, tell stories about the vineyard, the vintage, the winemaker.
Chardonnay is the most widely planted grape in California, and Mannequin was created to highlight the varietal from different appellations across the state in a single blend. Each vineyard and their resulting wine lots have their own personality which on their own makes them interesting; however, we’ve learned that sometimes the sum of parts can be greater than the parts themselves. You could say the same about the label too.
Sourced from the Laguna Ranch and Del Rio vineyards in the Russian River Valley, the Stagecoach Vineyard on Atlas Peak and other select vineyards in Sonoma County, the 2020 Mannequin represents some of the best Chardonnay growing areas in California.
WINEMAKER’S NOTES:Golden straw in the glass with a flash of emerald, the wine opens with notes of ripe Bosc pear, lemon meringue, and white flowers. On the palate, the entry is coating with yellow peach, honeydew, and wet stone along with a mid of palmiers, tostones and ripe stone fruit. The finish is accentuated by a seam of acidity and leaves one with hints of lemon pith and butterscotch.
全球最具影響力嘅葡萄酒評論家 Robert Parker曾經稱讚 Orin Swift 釀酒師 Dave Phinney:「放眼全球葡萄酒菁英,Dave係最具創造力嘅年輕釀酒師之一。年紀雖輕卻不失世故練達,持續不斷努力所展現嘅個性與才氣,令人讚賞不已。」
Dave Phinney 向來以大膽創新著稱,擅長把不同葡萄園同不同品種嘅葡萄混合釀造,總是掀起混釀酒新風潮。佢一向鍾意挑戰,打破藩籬,同時也擅長打造暢銷葡萄酒品牌。“Come with me to play and think outside the box” 這句話可以說係Dave Phinney嘅座右銘,因為佢總係想跳脫框架,打破傳統,大膽創新。
2020年嘅Mannequin Chardonnay包括少量嘅麝香,以增加香气嘅复杂性,并由Laguna Ranch同埋Del Rio种植嘅生果混合而成。佢喺39%嘅新法国橡木桶中发酵和成熟了8个月,但并冇表现出过度嘅木质化,菠萝和番石榴嘅气味仍然系主导。