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Laurent Perrier Rosé Champagne Magnum is one of the rare Rosé champagnes to be made using the maceration (skin contact) technique, which gives it the extraordinary depth and freshness that has made it the benchmark for Rosé champagne around the world. Revered by wine-lovers for its flavours and by aesthetes for the beauty of its magnum 17th century-style bottle dating back to Henry V.
Unlike most Rosé champagnes, the basis of Laurent-Perrier cuvée Rosé Brut is obtained by drawing the juice from black grapes in the vat, not only by blending red and white wines and is cellared for at least four years. Laurent Perrier Rosé Champagne Magnum is sought after and an excellent champagne gift idea.
The House of Laurent-Perrier was founded in 1812 by André Michel Pierlot and took the name Vve Laurent-Perrier when Mathilde Emilie Perrier, the widow of Eugène Laurent, combined the two family names after she decided to expand the business. Eugénie Hortense Laurent, her daughter, inherited the House in 1925 and sold it to Marie-Louise Lanson de Nonancourt in 1939. During WWII, Marie-Louise Lanson de Nonancourt ran the business while two of her sons, Maurice and Bernard, joined the French Resistance. In 1948, Bernard de Nonancourt as Chairman and Chief Executive. In 1881, when Cellar Master Eugène Laurent inherited the Alphonse Pierlot Champagne House He purchased vines in the very best terroirs of Bouzy, Tours-sur-Marne, and Ambonnay, excavated 800 metres of cellars, and set up a tasting laboratory.Domaine Laurent-Perrier (the Estate) was anchored in Tours-sur-Marne. This picturesque village is ideally situated at the crossroads of the three main wine growing areas of the Marne département: the Montagne de Reims, the Vallée de la Marne and the Côte des Blancs.
Country: France
Rating: 92 Points by Wine Spectator
Tasting Note: Well-balanced and very tasty. Shows a toasty-yeasty aroma and soft, well-in informed by oak
ABV 12%
Grapes: Pinot Noir 100%
Size: 1500ml
Temperature:8°C and 10°C
Laurent-Perrier香檳酒莊成立於1812年,由André Michel Pierlot創立,當時以他的名字命名。後來,Eugène Laurent的遺孀Mathilde Emilie Perrier決定擴展業務,將兩個家族的姓氏合併,酒莊改名為Vve Laurent-Perrier。 1925年,她的女兒Eugénie Hortense Laurent繼承了酒莊,並在1939年將其賣給了Marie-Louise Lanson de Nonancourt。在二戰期間,Marie-Louise Lanson de Nonancourt經營酒莊,而她的兩個兒子Maurice和Bernard則加入了法國抵抗運動。 1945年,Bernard de Nonancourt開始進行嚴格的學徒制培訓,學習從葡萄園到酒窖的所有釀酒方面的知識,1948年10月被任命為主席兼首席執行官。 1881年,酒窖的釀酒大師Eugène Laurent繼承了Alphonse Pierlot香檳酒莊,並為其提供了生產優質香檳所需的基礎設施,即創造一個完整的酒莊。他在Bouzy,Tours-sur-Marne和Ambonnay購買了最好的葡萄園,挖掘了800米的酒窖,並建立了一個品酒實驗室。 Laurent-Perrier領地(酒莊)位於Tours-sur-Marne,這個風景如畫的村莊處於馬恩省三個主要葡萄種植區:Reims山脈,Marne河谷和Blancs山脈的交匯處,位置得天獨厚。