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The winery was established in 2005 by two legendary figures in the local wine industry, Rong Jian and Wang Fengyu, along with the young winemaker Zhang Jing. In 2013, they invited Professor Li Demei to be the wine advisor, one of the top ten most influential wine consultants in the world according to "The Drinks Business" magazine, to join their team. Located at the foot of Helan Mountain, at an elevation of 1,138 meters, it is the first demonstration vineyard in the Ningxia region. The vineyard covers an area of 2.6 hectares and is planted with grape varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Gernischt, and Malbec, with an annual production of 60,000 bottles.
Ningxia's Helan Mountains stretch for over 200 kilometers, serving as a natural barrier against the Gobi Desert. The Yellow River flows through the eastern foothills of the Helan Mountains, nurturing the fertile land of the Yinchuan Plain for thousands of years. The exceptional geographical, climatic, and soil conditions have given rise to high-quality grapes ideal for winemaking. Today, "Helan Mountain" has emerged as a rising star in the global wine industry. The Ningxia wine region was included for the first time in the "World Atlas of Wine," highlighting its growing recognition and professional status.
While the wine was being crafted in 2009, winemaker Zhang Jing was actually pregnant and gave birth to a daughter in November. As a celebration, a friend stamped the imprint of Zhang Jing's daughter's baby feet onto an oak barrel and gifted it to the winery. Zhang Jing filled a portion of the 2009 wine into the oak barrel with the baby feet imprint and named it "Baby Feet." In 2012, renowned wine expert Jancis Robinson tasted "Baby Feet" and was highly impressed, considering it even better than the award-winning "Helan Qingxue 2009 Special Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon." She then included "Baby Feet" in her book "The World Atlas of Wine (7th Edition)."
Rating: 92 points from James Suckling
“Roses, herbs and almost some lychee freshness in this. Strawberries and some stemmy character? Medium-bodied and eloquent on the palate. Very solid, fresh and nicely structured. Quite cohesive on the palate. Nice herbal accent but not anything green, A more intellectual rendition of Ningxia's Pinot." - James Sucking
Variety: Pinot Noir
Volume: 750 ml
Alcohol Content: 13.5% vol
Region: Ningxia, China
葡萄酒莊成立於2005年,由當地葡萄酒產業的兩位傳奇人物容健和王奉玉與年輕的釀酒師張靜共同創辦,邀請國際知名雜誌《The drinks business》 於2013年選出了全球十大最具影響力的葡萄酒顧問-李德美教授擔任葡萄酒顧問。位於賀蘭山腳下,海拔1,138米,是寧夏地區的第一個示範性葡萄園。 葡萄園佔地2.6公頃,種植有夏多內、梅洛、卡本內蘇維翁、馬爾貝克等品種的葡萄,年產量達6萬瓶。2011年,加貝蘭2009菜獲《Decanter》世界葡萄酒大賽國際大獎. 2013年入選寧夏五級列級莊;2016年入選寧夏四級列級莊;2017年入選寧夏三級列級列莊,並於2019年被評為寧夏的二級園。 葡萄園佔地2.6公頃,種植有夏多內、梅洛、卡本內蘇維翁、馬爾貝克等品種的葡萄,年產量達6萬瓶。
寧夏賀蘭山山脈綿延200多公里,是阻隔戈壁沙漠的天然屏障.黃河流經賀蘭山脈的東麓,幾千年來滋養著銀川平原,哺育了這片天然的寶地.卓越的地理,氣候,日照 ,土壤等風土條件,孕育了特別適合釀製高品質葡萄酒的優質葡萄.如今,“賀蘭山”已經成為了全球葡萄酒界冉冉升起的新星.在《世界葡萄酒地圖》中,寧夏產區首次被收錄 其中,可見其不斷攀升並廣受肯定的專業地位.
評分:詹姆斯·薩克林(James Suckling)給予92分
這款葡萄酒中有玫瑰、草本植物的味道,並帶有一絲荔枝的清新感。還能嗅到草莓和一些茎的特點。酒體中等,口感優雅。非常堅實、新鮮,結構良好。口感相當協調。有著美好的草本口味,但不帶任何綠澀感。這是寧夏黑皮諾葡萄酒的一個更具智慧的詮釋。" - 詹姆斯·薩克林
產區:寧夏, 中國
「嵯峨高聳鎮西陲,勢壓群山培樓隨。積雪日烘岩冗餘,曉雲晴駐岫峰奇。喬松風偃蟠龍曲,怪石冰消臥虎危。屹若金城天設險,雄藩萬載壯邦畿。」 - 朱元璋的第十六個兒子慶靖王朱旃 。賀蘭晴雪是與黃沙古渡、官橋柳色等齊名的寧夏八景之一,據說當時在六月,仍能看到藍天晴空下,賀蘭山上的皚皚白雪,景觀蔚為壯觀。朱旃曾經鎮守寧夏,有感於賀蘭晴雪奇景 。