Dom Perignon (no box) 2008 (1.5L)
Dom Perignon (no box) 2008 (1.5L)
Dom Perignon (no box) 2008 (1.5L)

Dom Perignon (no box) 2008 (1.5L)

Regular price $6,180.00 Sale price $5,380.00
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Dom Pérignon is a prestigious Champagne house known for its high-quality sparkling wines. Named after a famous Benedictine monk, their Champagnes are made from carefully selected Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes grown in the Champagne region of France. With meticulous production methods and extended aging on the lees, Dom Pérignon Champagnes exhibit elegance, complexity, and a fine balance of fruitiness, minerality, and toastiness. Highly sought after by wine enthusiasts, their vintage expressions are released only in exceptional years. Dom Pérignon Champagnes are renowned for their creamy texture, lively acidity, and long, lingering finish, making them a symbol of celebration and luxury.

Dom Pérignon 2008 is a prestigious vintage Champagne produced by the renowned Champagne house, Dom Pérignon. This release showcases the exceptional qualities of the 2008 vintage, known for its balance and depth. Crafted from a blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes, it offers enticing aromas of ripe orchard fruits, citrus, and toasted brioche. The palate is vibrant and energetic, with flavors of lemon zest, white peach, and a hint of honey. With its fine bubbles, precise acidity, and long finish, Dom Pérignon 2008 is highly regarded for its complexity and aging potential, making it a perfect choice for special occasions or wine enthusiasts.

Ratings :
98 points from JS Wine Ratings
"Deep and generous, yet driven, with delicious salted-butter and salted-caramel notes underneath the initial lemon and chalk. Really expands on the palate in all directions. Lemon cream and shortcrust. Creamy, yet underpinned by a sharp backbone of acidity throughout." - Tasted on July 18, 2022 by James Suckling

Winery: Dom Pérignon
Grape Varieties: Chardonnay and Pinot Noir
Size: 1500ml (Magnum)                                                                

Dom Pérignon是一家知名的高級香檳酒莊,以其高品質的起泡酒而聞名。以著名的本篤會修士命名,他們的香檳釀造自法國香檳區精心挑選的霞多麗和黑皮諾葡萄。通過精心的生產工藝和長時間的酵母陳年,Dom Pérignon香檳展現出優雅、複雜和水果、礦物和烤麵包的細膩平衡。深受葡萄酒愛好者追捧,他們的年份香檳只在特殊的年份釋出。Dom Pérignon香檳以其豐潤的口感、活潑的酸度和持久的餘韻而聞名,成為慶祝和奢華的象徵。

Dom Pérignon 2008 是由著名的香檳酒莊 Dom Pérignon 生產的一款高級年份香檳。這款香檳展現了2008年份的卓越特點,該年份在香檳地區被譽為非常出色。它以香檳葡萄酒中的經典品種霞多麗和黑皮諾混釀而成,呈現出新鮮和深度兼具的平衡。


JS Wine Ratings給予98分
“濃郁而慷慨,卻充滿活力,初味為檸檬和粉筆,下面則是美味的鹽脆奶油和鹽焦糖。在口腔中向各個方向展開。檸檬奶油和酥皮。奶油口感,但始終受到酸度的鮮明支撐。” - James Suckling 於2022年7月18日試飲

酒莊:Dom Pérignon