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An ode to the art of hand-crafted blends, Le Gin is a small batch gin that expertly blends 30 varietals of double distilled apple cider with eight individually distilled botanicals. The result — an artisanal Norman gin that unravels elegant complexities in its delicate balance of flavours with great finesse and aromatic precision. It’s no surprise then, that it raked in 9 awards in 2018 alone, including the Gold medal at the prestigious San Francisco World Spirits Competition.
Tasting notes: True to its roots, the gin opens with crisp and bright wafts of apple, leading into a smooth and cardamom spiced body that leads to a luscious roundness in the mouth finishing with clean crisp high notes of cinnamon. This is drink is pure delight and needs nothing but a glass of ice, and maybe a slice of apple, for all its flavours to play out on your senses.
Le Gin de Christian Drouin 的配方有 8 種:Juniper 杜松子, Cardamon 荳蔻, Ginger - Brazil 薑 - 巴西, Bourbon Vanilla - Madagascar 波旁香草 - 馬達加斯加, Cinnamon - Indonesian 肉桂 - 印尼, Almond 杏仁, Lemon 檸檬, Rose 玫瑰。
品酒筆記:香氣顯著蘋果香氣裡有杜松子感受,一點花香與溫暖氣息。口感帶蘋果、杜松子等交雜著水果甘甜,柔順香料感,薑味尾韻。適合純飲,調製Gin Tonic可以加入蘋果切片為飾,增加視覺享受;以馬丁尼呈現則是多樣香氣漸次,溫潤之中藏著銳利。