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Chagnon 2017 is a red wine from the Bordeaux region of France, which is known for producing some of the world's finest wines. The wine is made from a blend of grape varieties, including Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Cabernet Franc, which are typical of the Bordeaux region.
Chagnon 2017 is a full-bodied wine with rich flavors of dark fruit, such as blackberry and blackcurrant, as well as notes of tobacco, leather, and spice. The tannins are firm and well-structured, giving the wine a long and satisfying finish.
The 2017 growing season in Bordeaux was characterized by a warm and dry summer, which resulted in wines with ripe fruit flavors and good acidity.
Winery: Château Chagnon
Grapes: Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot
Region: France / Bordeaux / Bordeaux Supérieur
Chagnon 2017 是來自法國波爾多地區的紅葡萄酒,該地區以生產世界上最優質的葡萄酒而聞名。這款酒是由多種葡萄品種混合釀製而成,包括梅洛、赤霞珠和品麗珠,這些品種是波爾多地區的典型代表。
Chagnon 2017 是一款酒體豐滿的葡萄酒,帶有黑莓和黑加侖等深色水果的豐富風味,還帶有煙草、皮革和香料的味道。單寧堅實且結構良好,使葡萄酒具有長久而令人滿意的餘韻。
波爾多的 2017 年生長季節是以溫暖乾燥的夏季為特徵,這導致了成熟的水果風味和良好的酸度。
酒莊:Château Chagnon
產區:法國 / 波爾多 / 波爾多超級酒區