Chacra Barda 2020
Chacra Barda 2020
Chacra Barda 2020
Chacra Barda 2020

Chacra Barda 2020

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Chacra is a renowned winery in Patagonia, Argentina, founded by Piero Incisa della Rocchetta in 2004. Situated in the Rio Negro Valley, Chacra's focus is on producing exceptional Pinot Noir wines that capture the unique terroir of the region. With a commitment to sustainable and biodynamic farming practices, the winery has gained acclaim for its elegant, complex Pinot Noir that showcases the delicate fruit flavors and balanced acidity. Chacra's dedication to quality and attention to detail has established it as one of the leading producers of world-class Pinot Noir in Argentina, earning it a respected reputation among wine enthusiasts globally.

Chacra Barda 2020 is the latest vintage from this renowned winery located in the Patagonia region of Argentina. This wine reflects the winery's dedication to the careful cultivation and vinification of Pinot Noir grapes. The 2020 Chacra Barda fully expresses the unique terroir of Patagonia. It is elegant and complex, embodying the highest standards of Pinot Noir produced in this region. Also shows a perfect pairing for fish, salads and omellettes.

Chacra Barda 2020 has pure, minerally and powerful, with concentrated flavors of red plum and dried raspberry, loaded with powerful meaty notes. Sandalwood accents linger on the finish, showing caressing tannins. Its structure being rather airy and open, Barda was conceived to be consumed while still fresh and young, 100% natural and unfiltered. Produced from Chacra’s youngest vineyards, Barda has a strong and character and is intended to be versatile – a perfect companion for most foods. The vineyards, planted in 1990, grow on slightly sandy soils. As all our vineyards, Barda’s vineyards are massale selection yielding over 2 kilos per plant. It is fermented at low temperatures in round cement tanks, with natural and unfiltered indigenous yeasts.

Tasting Notes:
Color: Deep ruby red color, bright and translucent
Aroma: Red berries, cherries, spices and thyme
Palate: Flavors of black cherries, wild berries and spices
Finish: Full-bodied, with fine-grained and smooth tannins, balanced acidity, long and lingering

Winery: Chacra
Country: Argentina
Grape Variety: 100% Pinot Noir
Type: Red Wine
Bottle Size: 750ml
ABV: 12% - 13%

查克拉(Chacra)是位於阿根廷巴塔哥尼亞地區的著名酒莊,由皮埃羅·因西薩·德拉羅凱特(Piero Incisa della Rocchetta)於2004年創立。酒莊位於裡奧內格羅谷(Rio Negro Valley),專注於生產能夠體現該地區獨特風土的優質黑皮諾葡萄酒。透過堅持可持續和生物動力農業實踐,這家酒莊生產出優雅複雜的黑皮諾,展現了細膩的果香味和均衡的酸度,備受讚譽。查克拉致力於品質和細節把控,已成為阿根廷頂級黑皮諾生產商之一,在葡萄酒愛好者中享有崇高聲譽。

查克拉·巴爾達(Chacra Barda) 2020年是這家位於阿根廷巴塔哥尼亞地區的著名酒莊的最新年份。這款酒體現了酒莊對於黑皮諾葡萄的精心栽培和釀造。 2020年查克拉·巴爾達充分展現了巴塔哥尼亞獨特的風土。它優雅複雜,詮釋了該酒區所產黑皮諾的最高水準。這也是一款非常適合搭配魚肉、沙拉和蛋捲的完美選擇。

查克拉巴爾達 2020年純粹礦物質味濃鬱有力,具有濃鬱的紅梅和乾樹莓風味,還有濃鬱的肉質香氣。檀香調在收尾久久繚繞,單寧柔順細膩。這款酒的結構輕盈開放,旨在趁鮮飲用,100%天然無過濾。這款來自查克拉最年輕葡萄園的巴爾達有強烈個性,適合搭配各種美食。葡萄園建於1990年,生長在略帶沙質的土壤上,採用叢枝選育,單株產量超過2公斤。它在圓形水泥罐中低溫發酵,採用野生無過濾酵母。

顏色: 深紅寶石色澤,透亮明亮
香氣: 紅色莓果、櫻桃、香料和百里香
口感: 黑櫻桃、野生莓果和香料味道
餘韻: 豐滿,單寧細膩柔滑,酸度平衡,餘韻持久悠長

酒廠: Chacra
國: 阿根廷
葡萄: 100% 黑皮諾
酒類: 紅酒
容量: 750ml
酒精濃度:12% - 13%