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Pouilly-Fuissé is a wine appellation located in the Mâconnais subregion of Burgundy, known for producing high-quality Chardonnay wines. The name "Vignes Romanes", an exclusivity of Bouchard Père & Fils, corresponds to the historic vineyards, in the heart of the appellation, from which this rare wine comes.
Pouilly-Fuissé 2020 typically displays a bright golden color and exudes complex and captivating aromas. It may showcase ripe fruit aromas such as citrus, ripe apples, pears, as well as hints of stone fruits. Additionally, there might be some notes of vanilla, nuts, or toasted bread from oak barrel aging.
Winemaking Process: The wine depending on the profile of the vintage, 8 to 9 months in French oak for 10 to 15% of the harvest, the rest in stainless stell vats.
Tasting note: Delicate bouquet with a variety of floral notes. Deliciously round and fruity on the palate. Its richness confirms the worldwide reputation of its terroir. This wine should be drunk young in order to enjoy its freshness.
Aged in potential: 3 to 5 years
Saving Temperature: Between 12°C to 14°C
普伊-富塞(Pouilly-Fuissé)是位於勃根地馬孔內次產區的葡萄酒產區,以生產高品質夏多內葡萄酒而聞名。 「Vignes Romanes」這個名稱是 Bouchard Père & Fils 的專有名稱,與該產區中心的歷史悠久的葡萄園相對應,這款稀有葡萄酒就產自該葡萄園。
2020 年普伊富塞葡萄酒通常呈現明亮的金色,散發出複雜而迷人的香氣。 它可能會展現出成熟的水果香氣,如柑橘、成熟的蘋果、梨子以及核果的味道。 此外,也可能會有一些香草、堅果或橡木桶陳釀後的烤麵包的味道。
釀酒過程: 葡萄酒依年份的情況而定,在法國橡木桶中陳釀8至9個月,收穫10至15%的葡萄酒,其餘的則在不銹鋼桶中陳釀。
品嚐筆記: 精緻的酒香,帶有多種花香。 口感圓潤可口,果香濃鬱。 它的豐富性證實了其風土的全球聲譽。 此酒應在年輕時飲用,以享受其新鮮感。
保存溫度:12°C 至 14°C