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Pouilly-Fuissé is a wine appellation located in the Mâconnais subregion of Burgundy, known for producing high-quality Chardonnay wines. The name "Vignes Romanes", an exclusivity of Bouchard Père & Fils, corresponds to the historic vineyards, in the heart of the appellation, from which this rare wine comes.
The name "Vigne de l'Enfant Jésus" refers to an old story. It is said that Marguerite du Saint Sacrement, the founding carmelite of the "Domestiques de la famille du Saint Enfant Jésus", predicted the birth of the king of France, Louis XIV, although her mother, Anne of Austria, was sterile. On the birth of the future "Roi Soleil", this exceptional vineyard which belonged to the Carmelites, took on the name "Vigne de l'Enfant Jésus".
Winemaking Process: manual, in small cases of 13 kg. Careful manual sorting of each grape. Following total or partial destemming on the vintage, fermentation in small containers, gentle pressing ensure optimal vinification. Depending on the profile of the vintage, vatting lasts 15 to 20 days. Growning at east-southeast and soil oil of the appelation by limestone and clay, sandy and gravelly
Tasting note: Superb fruit and spice aromas with an oaky note on the nose. Intense, full and yet delicate on the palate, the wine has a charming velvetiness. Very good ageing potential.
Aged in oak: 12 to 14 months in French oak, with 40 to 40% new oak.
Ageing: The cellars of the Bastions of the ancient Château de Beaune offer natural ambient
Grape variety: Pinot Noir
Seving temperature: Between 17°C to 18°C
Ageing potenial: 7 to 10 years and more
普伊-富塞(Pouilly-Fuissé)是位於勃根地馬孔內次產區的葡萄酒產區,以生產高品質夏多內葡萄酒而聞名。 「Vignes Romanes」這個名稱是 Bouchard Père & Fils 的專有名稱,與該產區中心的歷史悠久的葡萄園相對應,這款稀有葡萄酒就產自該葡萄園。
「Vigne de l'Enfant Jésus」這個名字源自於一個古老的故事。 據說,「Domestiques de la famille du Saint Enfant Jésus」的創始人加爾默羅會的瑪格麗特·杜聖禮(Marguerite du Saint Sacrement)預言了法國國王路易十四的誕生,儘管她的母親奧地利的安妮無法生育。 在未來的「Roi Soleil」誕生之際,這座屬於加爾默羅會的非凡葡萄園被命名為「Vigne de l'Enfant Jésus」。
釀酒工藝:手工,小箱13公斤。 對每顆葡萄進行仔細的手工分類。 將年份酒進行全部或部分除梗後,在小容器中發酵,輕柔壓榨,以確保最佳的釀造效果。 根據年份的情況,發酵持續 15 至 20 天。 生長於東南偏東,產區的土壤由石灰岩、黏土、沙質和礫石組成
品嚐筆記: 濃鬱的水果和香料香氣,帶有橡木味。 這款酒口感濃鬱、飽滿而細膩,具有迷人的天鵝絨般的口感。 非常好的陳年潛力。
橡木桶陳釀:在法國橡木桶中陳釀 12 至 14 個月,其中 40 至 40% 新橡木桶。
食用溫度:17°C 至 18°C