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It is on the site of this remarkable vineyard that we find the oldest traces of the Chardonnay variety in Beaune. Quite a rarity in this Pinot Noir territory. Before it was given the appellation of Clos Saint-Landry, this vineyard appeared under the name of Tiélandry, meaning the estate of a certain Landry. It then became the property of the abbey of Maizières before the purchase by Antoine Philibert Joseph Bouchard in 1791. Since then, Bouchard Père & Fils has preciously kept the monopoly of this white Premier Cru of 1.98 hectares.
“The 2017 Beaune Clos Saint-Landry 1er Cru is a two-hectare monopole that has been planted with Chardonnay since the 13th century. It has a lightly honeyed bouquet of acacia and brioche. The energetic palate is well balanced, with a fine bead of acidity and a chalky finish that exhibits just the right amount of salinity.” – 90-92/100 Neal Martin of Vinous
在這片出色的葡萄園中,我們找到了Beaune地區最古老的夏多內(Chardonnay)品種痕跡。在這個以黑皮諾(Pinot Noir)為主的地區,這是非常少見的。在獲得Clos Saint-Landry這一認證之前,這片葡萄園曾被稱為Tiélandry,意味著某個名叫Landry的地主的莊園。之後它成為了Maizières修道院的財產,直到1791年被安東尼·菲利伯特·約瑟夫·布夏(Antoine Philibert Joseph Bouchard)購買。自此以後,布夏父子(Bouchard Père & Fils)就一直謹慎地保持了這片1.98公頃的白色一級園的獨家所有權。