Billecart Salmon Brut Reserve
Billecart Salmon Brut Reserve
Billecart Salmon Brut Reserve

Billecart Salmon Brut Reserve 沙龍貝爾珍藏乾型香檳

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Billecart Salmon is one of the world's finest non-vintage champagnes. Billecart-Salmon has hit a purple patch of form - so much so that champagne 'guru' Tyson Stelzer recently rated the producer 10/10 in his influential Champagne Guide. He quite rightly points out that the Brut Reserve sets the phenomenally high standard by which all the other Billecart-Salmon wines follow. The quality is unquestionable, and the price is exceptional for quality non-vintage champagne.

Rating: 91 Points by Wine Spectator

Tasting Note: Bright and citrusy, this racy Champagne offers a lively bead and flavors of plum tart, spun honey, star anise and dried apricot, underscored by a lingering note of smoky minerality. Drink now through 2018.

Billecart-Salmon酒莊,於1818年由Nicolas Francois Billecart與妻子Elisabeth Salmon共同打造,迄今已傳承至第十七代,是目前極少數仍由家族獨立經營的知名香檳品牌。
因為產量較少,不似十大香檳品牌賣到成行成巿,通常是內行人才懂得的珍寶,此香檳細膩清新,氣泡細膩,這種風格是來自於家族的釀酒精神盡可能延長發酵時間,使用自家培養的野生天然酵母,以極緩慢速度發酵及陳年,所以不但在年輕時現展現成熟的風味,同時又具備優越的陳存能力,而 Billecart-Salmon 另一成功祕訣在於他們對品質管理的吹毛求疵,爲求酒質的穩定,他們會採用二次低温靜置 (double debourgage),以分離酒渣和其他沉澱物來加強效果,難怪他們所出產的香檳以細緻優雅見稱,而旗下的頂級旗艦酒款Billecart-Salmon Cuvee Nicolas- Francois 1959,更曾於1999年比賽從150款香檳中脫穎而出,以其卓越質量獲得「新千年最佳香檳 (Champagne of the Millennium)」的榮譽稱號 。