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Prosper Delord, a roving distiller, founded Armagnac Delord in 1893. Today, the Delord family is distilling, ageing and blending their
eaux-de-vie the exact same way their great-grandfather did. Hospitality, high quality, and international awards are their trade marks.
The Bas-Armagnac, whose capital is Eauze, is west of the appellation. It runs on the Landes and the western part of the Gers. It represents 67% of the areas identified in Armagnac. In this part of the terroir, the floors are sablo simedy, called "sandblasters". Bas-Armagnac brandies are delicate and very fruity.
The Maison Delord is developing and pupil of the Eaux-de-Vie since 1893 in Lannepax in the Gers. We find through this 1979 vintage all the know-how of the house transmitted from generations to generations for more than 120 years.
These brandies, whose oldest are jealously guarded in the "paradise", transmit us through the tasting part of this rich heritage. Médaille d’argent aux Talents de l’Armagnac d’Eauze en 1999
Appellation: Bas-Armagnac, France
Kind : Millésime
Capacity: 70 cl, (700ml)
Alcohol content: 40.0°
Packaging (s): Caisse bois
Prosper Delord 是一位流浪的烈酒生產者/釀酒師,於 1893 年創立了雅文邑 Delord。如今,Delord 家族正在蒸餾、陳釀和調配他們的雅馬邑白蘭地 (Armagnac Delord)。他們釀造生命之水的方式與他們的曾祖父完全相同。熱情好客、高品質和國際獎項是他們的標誌。
下雅文邑 (Bas-Armagnac) 的首府是歐茲 (Eauze),位於該產區的西部。 它流經朗德省和熱爾省西部。 它佔雅馬邑白蘭地面積的 67%。 在這片土地上,地板是 sablo simedy,稱為“噴砂機”。 下雅文邑白蘭地口感細膩,果味濃郁。
自 1893 年起,Maison Delord 就在熱爾省的蘭尼帕克斯 (Lannepax) 開發生命之水 (Eaux-de-Vie)。 通過這款 1979 年年份酒,我們發現了該品牌 120 多年來代代相傳的所有專業知識。
1999 年雅文邑白蘭地銀獎章
種類 : 米勒西姆
容量:70 厘升(700 毫升)
包裝:Caisse bois