Vintec - Single Temperature Zone Wine Cabinet (40 Bottles) VWS050SBA-X
Features :
- Single Temperature Zone for aging purpose
- Built-under Design
- ECO Technology
- Borderless Black Glass Door
- Crystal white LED light
- Easily Adjustable Wooden Shelves
- Temperature Setting: Electronic
- LED Display
- Reversible Door Hinges
- Capacity (bottles):40
- Adjustable Temperature:6°C - 18°C
- No. of Wooden Shelves: 5
- Dimension (H x W x D): 820 x 595 x 562mm
- Weight (kg): 44
- After purchase, please contact us to inform us about the door hinge position (left/right). If a left hinge is required, there may be a one-week working day delay for the modification.
- The capacity is based on Bordeaux-style 0.75-liter wine bottles and may vary depending on the number of shelves and the arrangement method.
- Please adjust the temperature control appropriately to ensure the wine bottles are stored and aged within the ideal temperature range.
- Ensure to follow the product's user manual and instructions during installation and use.
- Avoid exposing the wine cabinet to extreme temperatures, humidity, or direct sunlight to prevent damage to the wine bottles and storage quality.
- Regularly clean and organize the wine cabinet to maintain optimal storage conditions and visibility of the wine bottles.
- For any questions or maintenance services, please contact our customer service department.
- 單一溫度適宜陳釀美酒
- 可作嵌入式擺放
- 環保科技
- 白光LED櫃燈
- 易拆式木層架
- 溫度控制: 電子按鍵式
- LED顯
- 可更改左/右門鉸
- 容量(瓶): 40
- 可調校溫度: 5°C - 18°C
- 層架: 5
- 體積(高 x 闊 x 深)毫米: 820 x 595 x 573
- 重量(公斤): 44
- 購買後需與我們聯絡,告知門鉸位置(左/右)。如果需要左門鉸,可能需要預留一個星期工作天進行更改。
- 容量以波爾多種類的0.75公升酒瓶為準,實際容量可能會因層架數目和擺放方式而有所不同。
- 請適當地調整溫度控制,以確保酒瓶在理想的溫度範圍內儲存和陳年。
- 確保在安裝和使用時遵循產品的使用手冊和指示事項。
- 請避免將酒櫃暴露在極端的溫度、濕度或陽光直射下,以避免對酒瓶和儲存品質造成損害。
- 定期保持酒櫃的清潔和整理,以確保最佳的儲存條件和酒瓶的可視性。
- 如有任何問題或需要維修服務,請聯絡我們的客戶服務部門。