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Johnnie Walker Blue Label is an unrivalled masterpiece. It is an exquisite blend made from some of Scotland’s rarest and most exceptional whiskies. Only one in every ten thousand casks has the elusive quality, character and flavour to deliver the’ remarkable signature taste of Johnnie Walker Blue Label. An extraordinary whisky for extraordinary occasions.
Probably the most famous super-premium blend, made up of the finest old-aged malt and grain whiskies. The Cristal of the blended whisky world. Blue Label’s bold, multi-layered palate and silky delivery ensure that it sits unchallenged at the top of the Johnnie Walker pile.
A mellow, rounded nose, with a dry smokiness (a Johnnie Walker signature flavour) mixed with raisin sweetness.
The first sip reveals a velvety mouthfeel, then an explosion of flavour – hazelnuts, honey, rose petals, sherry and oranges. Subsequent sips reward you with more hidden secrets like kumquats, wispy aromatic smoke, sandalwood, tobacco, and dark chocolate.
A rich and uniquely long and satisfying finish of smoke and pepper, ending with a glorious touch of spice.
Country: Scotland
Rating: 95 points by Wine Enthusiast
JOHNNIE WALKER藍牌是無上的威士忌傑作。此款頂級珍釀,是從少數蘇格蘭最出色珍稀的威士忌精選淬煉而成。一萬桶酒藏中,只有一桶能呈現JOHNNIE WALKER藍牌超凡卓越的風味,獨特味道與品質堪稱萬中選一。非凡威士忌,為品味非凡時刻而生。
JOHNNIE WALKER藍牌擁有無與倫比的豐富層次與煙燻風味,口感像絲綢般滑順,更有如一道道波浪,帶來各種強烈的味覺饗宴。藍牌是從少數最珍稀的頂級威士忌調配而成,這些威士忌皆來自調酒大師親手挑選的酒桶,帶來絕無僅有的豐盛味覺饗宴。
JOHNNIE WALKER藍牌榮獲多項大獎,包括六座世界菸酒評鑑會金獎,以及三座舊金山世界烈酒競賽雙金獎。