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A premium gin, Citadelle was originally developed in a Dunkirk distillery in the late 18th Century, and at the time Dunkirk was one of the earliest European ports for explorers of the Orient, who brought back herbs and spices from the Far East. The result is a fabulous gin made with 19 different botanicals including Moroccan Coriander, French Juniper, Mexican Orange Peel and Chinese Liquorice...
Citadelle Gin exudes delicate aromas of fresh flowers highlighted by more assertive citric scents. Once served, it emanates more intense, herbaceous notes of juniper and anise; then, the spicy cinnamon side softens the nose, bringing a very gourmand dimension to the gin. On the palate, the juniper cedes to a long, voluptuous, spicy fragrance.
Beautifully balanced, it is elegant, soft and and long in the mouth, with an alcohol content of 44%. A perfect equilibrium between intensity and finesse.
Citadelle has won more than 60 medals, among them “Spirit of the Year” at the 2017 World Spirit Awards as well as “World’s Best Gin” and “Gin Grand Master” in London. Its bottle hasn’t escaped attention either; it was awarded a gold medal at the Spirits Design Master 2017.
Nose: Simple, herbal nose, some berry and juniper tang.
Palate: Crisp, clean delivery with hints of brine, juniper and citrus.
Finish: Medium length, tangy.
創立於 1775 年,是法國本土第一款自製琴酒,同時也是唯一受到法王路易十六認可支持的琴酒廠。優異的酒質與美好滋味,受到歐洲各國的喜愛,特別是琴酒愛好國的英國;當時英法正在經歷第二次百年戰爭,兩國之間打死不相往來,英國商人透過走私不斷將絲塔朵琴酒運回英國,數量龐大,最後甚至獲得法國國王的同意,頒發許可證給英國走私船,允許其公然進入法國港口進貨,使得絲塔朵琴酒成為英法兩國檯面下的交流。