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Blanchot is located in the village of Chablis, on the right bank of the Serein, to the left of the Chablis Grand Cru vineyards of Les Clos. Exposure south-east. Average age of vines in Blanchot is 30 years. The wine is made of 100% Chardonnay. It has been matured for 20 months on fine lees, in tanks and small barrels.
Country: Burgundy, France
Tasting Note: A typical Blanchot is a highly floral and delicate wine. For Blanchot 2004, it is supple and aromatic. Straw yellow, bright and clear. Expressive elegant nose revealing lovely richness of aromas of apple and pear and delicate flowers, with a slight trace of the wood. Aromas go on after airing. Opulent feel in the mouth, opening out to well-ripened apple, pear and peach and finishing on an elegant mineral chord. Very attractive character.
Chablis Grand Cru 是世界聞名,受熱愛葡萄酒的朋友愛戴,是產區條例之皇者。於 Chablis 的 Serein 右岸,葡萄園面積為 100 公頃 (240 畝) ,大部分面向西南。Chablis Grands Crus 是圓滿的系統,隨年月會變得更紮實。要讓它綻放,可能需要5至8年陳年,而且可以保存得非常好。
La Chablisienne 收割及釀造來自 7 個 Grand Cru 的酒,擁有不同性格:: Bougros: 有活力和礦物; Les Preuses: 有性格和餘韻;Vaudésir: 豐滿和強大;Les Clos: 乾和礦物;Blanchot: 圓潤芳香;Grenouilles: 優雅而果味濃。