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Ruinart is the oldest established Champagne house, exclusively producing champagne since 1729. Founded by Nicolas Ruinart in the Champagne region in the city of Reims, the house is today owned by LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA.
An entrepreneur, Nicolas Ruinart realized the ambitions of his uncle, Dom Thierry Ruinart: to make Ruinart an authentic Champagne house. In the period immediately following the 1728 edict of Louis XV, which authorized the transport of wine in bottles, the house was established. Prior to this edict, wine could only be transported in barrels, which made it impossible to send Champagne to distant markets, and confined consumption primarily to its area of production.
Nicolas Ruinart founded the House of Ruinart on 1 September 1729. The first delivery of “wine with bubbles” went out in January 1730. At first the sparkling wine was a business gift for cloth purchasers, as Dom Ruinart’s brother was a cloth merchant, but six years later Maison Ruinart terminated its cloth selling activities due to success in the Champagne business. Since then, the Maison has kept the standards of excellence of its founders.
Rating: 93 Points by James Suckling
Tasting Note: A very appealing and satisfying style that fully captures the elegance and poise of chardonnay. The aromas here are all based around lemons, grapefruit, honey, fresh floral notes, stone fruits and toasty autolysis – which is somewhat of a signature for this Champagne. The palate delivers a ripe, flavorsome impression of peach custard and lemon crème brûlée. The acidity is nicely placed and the finish upbeat with vibrant fruit expression.
天主教修道士Dom Thierry Ruinart(香檳之父Dom Perignon的好友)來自法國香檳區的名門,家族以經營羊毛生意為主;他遊走歐洲各國時,注意到皇室貴族們對香檳的喜愛,因此將自己經營香檳事業的憧憬,傳授給他的兄弟Nicolas Ruinart。Nicolas同名的兒子也在耳濡目染下,對香檳充滿著熱忱;1729年,他實現了伯父Dom Thierry Ruinart的雄心壯志,成立第一家香檳酒廠。酒廠釀製首年份的香檳,當作禮物送給了羊毛生意的客戶,1735年開始,Ruinart全心專注於發展香檳事業。歷經數世紀的家族傳承,Ruinart香檳被推銷至全球各個角落,絕大多數的客戶都是社會地位頗高的權貴人士;1963年被國際知名的LVMH集團併入旗下。 Ruinart香檳細緻、高雅且複雜的風格,與酒廠使用高比例的Chardonnay葡萄品種有相當大的關聯,基本款香檳就混合了至少40-50% Chardonnay,有年份的香檳更是使用比例超過一半以上的Chardonnay。而座落於香檳大城Reims的酒廠,有座歷史悠久、深達30公尺以上的crayeres(白堊酒窖-高盧羅馬的稱呼),終年維持穩定良好的低溫,配合適宜的濕度,成為存放香檳的絕佳天然地窖。