Clos du Marquis 侯爵園紅酒  2012
Clos du Marquis 侯爵園紅酒  2012

Clos du Marquis 侯爵園紅酒 2012

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Clos du Marquis (Château Clos du Marquis) is indeed a historic brand within the Domaines Delon. It was established by the Leoville Las Cases estate, which is a Second Growth (Deuxième Cru) classified Bordeaux wine from the 17th century. The vineyards of Clos du Marquis are located in the esteemed Saint-Julien appellation, surrounded by other renowned classified growth châteaux such as Léoville Poyferré and Léoville Barton. The proximity to these prestigious estates attests to the high-quality terroir of Clos du Marquis.

Clos du Marquis is the first wine produced in the Saint-Julien appellation in Bordeaux, France. The first vintage of this wine was created in 1902, and it originates from a vineyard adjacent to the Marquis de Las Cases' estate at Leoville. This vineyard is known as Petit Clos, which is a separate plot within Leoville Las Cases. The soil composition of Clos du Marquis mainly consists of gravel and is older and smaller than that of Leoville Las Cases.

Due to its slightly undulating terrain, Clos du Marquis benefits from better drainage and is closer to the Gironde River compared to Leoville Las Cases. As a result, Clos du Marquis has a higher moisture content in its soil. This wine perfectly showcases the typical characteristics of the Saint-Julien appellation. It has a structured and complex body, displaying layers of flavors that are harmonious and exceptional. It also possesses the ability to age gracefully over time.

Region/Country : St Julien (Bordeaux), France
Alcohol: 13.55% vol


92 points from Robert Parker
"Tasted blind at the Bordeaux 2012 Southwold tasting. The 2012 Clos du Marquis has a very intense bouquet, the more fruit-driven of all the Saint Julien 2012s with layers of black cherries and cranberry fruit, an undercurrent of autumn leaves and cigar box. The palate is medium-bodied with fine definition: smooth and very harmonious, quite intense on the entry and yet without that long sustain on the finish. That does not matter too much, because what comes before is very precise and pure, the class of the terroir evident from start to finish." - Reviewed by Neal Martin

Clos du Marquis(Château Clos du Marquis)確實是Domaines Delon旗下的一個具有歷史悠久的品牌。它是17世紀起就獲得波爾多列級為“第二級生長”的勒奧維爾拉斯凱斯酒莊(Leoville Las Cases)所創立的。Clos du Marquis的葡萄園位於聖朱利安(Saint-Julien)產區,周圍環繞著其他著名的列級酒莊,如勒奧維爾波伊費爾(Léoville Poyferré)和勒奧維爾巴頓(Léoville Barton)。與這些著名酒莊的接近證明了Clos du Marquis的高品質風土條件。

Clos du Marquis是法國波爾多聖朱利安產區生產的第一款葡萄酒。這款酒的首個年份是在1902年創造的,它源於與勒奧維爾拉斯凱斯酒莊相鄰的一個葡萄園,稱為Petit Clos,這是勒奧維爾拉斯凱斯酒莊內的一塊獨立區域。Clos du Marquis的土壤主要由礫石組成,比勒奧維爾拉斯凱斯酒莊的土壤更古老且更小。

由於地勢稍微起伏,Clos du Marquis擁有更好的排水性,並且比勒奧維爾拉斯凱斯酒莊更靠近吉倫特河。因此,Clos du Marquis的土壤含水量較高。這款葡萄酒完美展現了聖朱利安產區的典型特色。它具有結構豐富、複雜多層次的酒體,呈現出和諧而出色的口感。它還具有隨著時間的推移而優雅陳年的能力。

葡萄品種:73% 赤霞珠,24% 梅洛,3% 品麗珠
酒精度:13.55% vol


羅伯特·帕克(Robert Parker)92分
“在南沃爾德的2012年波爾多盲品試飲中品嚐。2012年的Clos du Marquis有著非常濃烈的香氣,是所有聖朱利安2012年份中更以果味為主的酒款,展現出層次豐富的黑櫻桃和蔓越莓果香,底下還帶有秋葉和雪茄盒的氣息。口感中等酒體,細膩而非常和諧,入口時相當濃郁,但收結不是特別持久也不重要,因為前味非常精確、純淨,從頭到尾都展現出這塊風土的品質。”- Neal Martin評論