Xige Jade Dove Cabernet Gernischt 西鴿酒莊玉鴿單一園蛇龍珠 2019
Xige Jade Dove Cabernet Gernischt 西鴿酒莊玉鴿單一園蛇龍珠 2019
Xige Jade Dove Cabernet Gernischt 西鴿酒莊玉鴿單一園蛇龍珠 2019
Xige Jade Dove Cabernet Gernischt 西鴿酒莊玉鴿單一園蛇龍珠 2019

Xige Jade Dove Cabernet Gernischt 西鴿酒莊玉鴿單一園蛇龍珠 2019

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Situated in the Dove Mountain Area, in the heart of the Helan Mountain Wine Region, Xige Estate currently owns a total of 2,000 hectares of planted vines. 

As Fine Wine producer with scale, Xige's Philosophy is to combine Modern Technology with the Respect of Nature, to constantly explore the Potential and the Future of Ningxia Terroir.

Founded in 2017 by Zhang Yanzhi, Xige Estate is a young winery that is challenging & leading the development of a New Era of Chinese Fine Wine.  Zhang is the holder of France National Enology Diploma (DNO) and Bordeaux ISVV Winemaker Diploma. He embrace one goal to heart: to make wines that show  "A PURE EXPRESSION OF HELAN MOUNTAIN TERROIR". 

This wine is made from Cabernet Gernischt old vines that are over 20-years-old selected in Xige Estate vineyard. Once a neglected variety, under Xige vineyard and winemaking teams endless effort and patience, this grape is bouncing back with its unique charm and Chinese taste. Since its launching, its quality has been recognized by Worldwide Wine Critics and all the Major W&S International Competitions, and is now known as the most representative grape variety for Ningxia, and even Chinese wines.
This wine shows Cabernet Gernischt most typical character: smooth on the palate with delicate fine tannins, aromas of dry rose petals and Chinese medicinal herbs,... The finish is long and delightful, the word “elegance" surely describes it best.

ABV: 14.2%

Ageing: 12 months in 300L Oak Barrels (50% new, 90% French, 10% American)

2020 Robert Parker 93 pt (Vintage 2017)
2020 James Suckling.com 92 pt (Vintage 2017)
2020 James Suckling.com 93 pt (Vintage 2018)
2020 Asia Wine and Spirit Awards by Sommelier (AWSA) Gold Medal (Vintage 2018)

Rated Top 10 Chinese Wines by James Suckling in 2020

James Suckling 93 points: 
"Such a racy nose, featuring hawthorn fruit and dark cherries. Black pepper, dried herbs and some classy oak add complexity. Medium to full body with lots of juicy, ripe fruit, coated by linear yet polished tannins. Restrained sweet-sour fruit flatters, but manages to retain class. Focused, tangy and peppery finish. Lengthy and already delicious. Drink or hold." --Tasted on Nov 21, 2022

Wine Advocate 91 points:
"Although a relatively new winery—whose first vintage releases were in 2017—Xige has already made a name for itself with its Cabernet Gernischt (Carmenere). The 2018 Jade Dove Single Vineyard Cabernet Gernischt has a deep purple appearance. On the nose, it sports some ripe Carmenere fruit with mulberry, bramble and black cherry, some leafy notes and hints of clove, toast and smoke (the 2018 was exposed to 50% new oak, 90% of which were French barriques and 10% American). On the palate, this is full-bodied with some lifting acidity, ripe coating and crunchy tannins and fairly well-integrated alcohol, all supporting the ripe core of fruit flanked by sweet and savory oak. With its moderate to longer length, the 2018 does not have the concentration or depth of the 2017 vintage, but it is already approachable and will drink well over the next 3-5 years." -- Reviewed by Edward Ragg 

西鴿酒莊成立於2017年,是中國最令人興奮的新興葡萄酒項目之一。西鴿酒莊是一個全新的、現代化的釀酒廠,擁有超過1300公頃的葡萄園,其中有1000多公頃都種植著擁有20年成熟期的葡萄藤。這鞏固了他們的快速成功,成為中國同行中領先的優質葡萄酒品牌之一。西鴿酒莊由張言志擔任首席釀酒師創立,他曾是張裕酒業的釀酒師。與他一起的是克里斯泰爾·舒涅(Christelle Chene),她出生於勃艮第,曾在中國擔任出口銷售總監,並致力於向全世界推廣寧夏葡萄酒以及中國葡萄酒。


James Suckling 給予93分評價:
非常具有競爭力的香氣,具有山楂水果和黑櫻桃的味道。黑胡椒、乾香草和一些優雅的橡木增加了複雜度。中等至飽滿的酒體,有著大量多汁、成熟的水果,線性而又光滑的單寧包裹著水果。節制的甜酸水果讓人愉悅,但仍保持著優雅的風範。專注、清新、辛辣的收尾,悠長而已經美味。現在可以享用或陳年。 ——於2022年11月21日品嚐

雖然Xige是一家相對較新的酒莊,其第一個釋放的年份是在2017年,但已經以其赤霞珠葡萄酒(卡門內爾)聞名。2018年的Jade Dove單一葡萄園赤霞珠葡萄酒呈深紫色。在氣味上,它帶有一些成熟的卡門內爾水果,包括桑葚、黑莓和黑櫻桃,還有一些葉子的氣息,並帶有丁香、烤面包和煙熏的味道(2018年曝露於50%的新橡木桶中,其中90%為法國木桶,10%為美國木桶)。口感飽滿,帶有一些提升酸度、成熟包裹和脆脆的單寧,酒精也相當完美地融合在一起,支撐著成熟的果核,瀰漫著甜美和鹹味的橡木。2018年的集中度和深度不如2017年,但已經可以品嘗,未來3-5年也會保持良好的品質。——Edward Ragg評論



