Georges Lignier et Fils Clos de la Roche Grand Cru 2017
Georges Lignier et Fils Clos de la Roche Grand Cru 2017
Georges Lignier et Fils Clos de la Roche Grand Cru 2017
Georges Lignier et Fils Clos de la Roche Grand Cru 2017

Georges Lignier et Fils Clos de la Roche Grand Cru 2017 里尼耶父子酒莊(洛奇特級園)紅葡萄酒

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Established at the beginning of the 20th Century, Domaine Georges Lignier has successfully remained a family-owned estate.  It was the domaine’s founder, Georges Lignier, who was responsible for transforming it in to its current state; now a grand-father himself, it all started when he had inherited some vines from his father Jules. The buildings which the property occupies today came in to the family’s ownership at this time. He was determined to make it one of the largest and most important properties in Morey Saint Denis. To which end, he has been more than successful, as the domaine now covers 16 hectares. George’s son, Bernard, formed a partnership with him in 1949 in order to help with the planting of vines.  It was at this time that the domain broke away from the local cooperative, so as to concentrate on making wine under its own label. His own young son Georges, who took over from his father in 1970, established an integrated winemaking policy at the domain and greatly increased the bottling capacity. To this day, he contributes invaluable support drawing on his experience and shrewdness.

However, a new chapter has been added to the story with the arrival of his nephew Benoit Stehly at the property in 2002, after completing his oenology studies.

The domain now covers 17 appellations over 16 hectares, distributed over 50 parcels of vines, planted principally with Pinot Noir.

Domaine Lignier Clos de la Roche Grand Cru is made from 1.05 hectares of vines that Domaine Lignier farms in this prestigious appellation. The estate now comprises some 16 hectares of vineyards spread over 17 appellation. Most of the vines now have an average age of at least 50 years. The Clos de la Roche appellation covers just under 17 hectares split between 30 estates. As mentioned above, Lignier has just over one hectare producing around 5000 bottles per vintage.

Domaine Lignier Clos de la Roche Grand Cru is made in the traditional way. After manual harvest and sorting the grapes are destemmed prior to a pre-fermentation cold maceration for 3 to 5 days. The wine is then fermented for 4 or 5 days followed by 3 or 4 days on the skins to extract tannins, anthocyanins etc. The wine is then pressed into 228 litre oak barrels, 50% of which are new, where it is aged for 18 months.

Country: Burgundy, France

Grape type: Pinot Noir

Tasting Notes: There are no Burgundy Grands Crus better than Clos de la Roche. This is a magnificent 201 from a family domaine that is "getting better and better" ( A superb wine of richness, muscular fruit and complexity. (Robert Parker)

里尼耶父子酒莊(Domaine Georges Lignier et Fils)位於法國布根地(Burgundy)夜丘(Cote de Nuits)產區的莫雷-聖丹尼(Morey-Saint-Denis)產酒村,是該產酒村內一座家族式精品酒莊。  

里尼耶父子酒莊由喬治·里尼耶(Georges Lignier)創建於20世紀初期,當時,喬治從父親朱爾斯(Jules)手中繼承了一些葡萄園,以此為基礎建立了里尼耶父子酒莊。喬治立志要將酒莊建設成為莫雷-聖丹尼村的龍頭酒莊,因此里尼耶家族的幾代人都在為此而奮鬥。 1949年,喬治的兒子伯納德(Bernard)加入里尼耶父子酒莊,和喬治一起管理葡萄園。也正是從這段時間開始,里尼耶父子酒莊開始集中精力釀造屬於自家品牌的葡萄酒。 1970年,伯納德的小兒子喬治接管了里尼耶父子酒莊,他為酒莊制定了完整的葡萄酒釀造規範,大大提高了酒莊的釀酒技術。 2002年,小喬治的侄子伯努瓦·史特里(Benoit Stehly)在完成了他的釀酒學業後,也成為里尼耶父子酒莊的一員,從此酒莊的發展翻開了一個新的篇章。

葡萄品種:100% Pinot Noir。

風土:介於Gevrey Chambertin與Chambolle Musigny中間的小村莊,卻是行家才知道的藏寶處,兼具陽剛與陰柔的平衡風格。特級園與一級園的面積,甚至比村莊級還要多,水準極高且品質穩定。
