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Founded in 2008, Mystic Island Winery is a boutique winery that integrates culture, art, and ecology. The winery is located in the core area of the Lotus Grape Wine Region on a hillside valley in Xian Island, Penglai, Yantai, Shandong Province. This area is known for its fertile soil and unique climate, which are ideal for growing grapes. Penglai, originating from the legend of "San Shen Mountain" on the sea, is also known as the "Mystic Island." The winery was named Mystic Island Winery in honor of this mystical place.
The white grapes are de-stemmed without crushing and are gently fed into the small membrane press where they are lightly squeezed
The resulting juice is fermented at a cool temperature in a variety of French oak barrels as well as small stainless-steel tanks for approximately 11 days. The Chief Winemaker will allow a portion of the juice to undergo fermentation with indigenous yeast that arrives with the grapes. To retain the structure of the wine only a small portion of the blend will go through Malolactic fermentation, ensuring the wine maintains elegance with age. The wines yeast lees are then stirred until the Chief winemaker Is satisfied with the aroma and texture of the
The 2018 vintage is the "First Harvest" of Mystic Winery and the Chardonnay was carefully hand selected and treated with care and attention through every stage of processing. The body is bright lemon yellow, full of complex and pleasant fruit aromas such as white peach, white pear, citrus, and grapefruit, with subtle yeast complexity.
On the palate, the acid is balanced and fresh, combined with moderate texture and weight from lees stirring and finishing with a touch of minerality.
Produced from China, Shandong, Yantai
Vintage: 2018
Aged in oak: Aged in French oak for 7 months
Vine Age: 8 years
Grape Varieties: 100% Chardonnay
Alcohol: 12.5%
Production: 6,600 bottles made.
葡萄品種: 100%霞多麗
仙島酒莊創建於2008年是一家將人文、藝術、生態融為一體的精品酒莊。酒莊坐落在山東省煙台蓬萊仙島葡萄酒產區的核心小產區一丘山山谷。這裡以肥沃的土壤和獨特的氣候聞名,非常適合種植葡萄。蓬萊起源於海上 “三神山” 的傅說,又被稱為“蓬萊仙島”,是一個有著神秘色彩的地方,創始人便以“Mystic Island-仙烏酒莊,為酒莊命名。
2018年份酒是仙島酒莊的“First Harvest”,霞多麗經過嚴格的人工挑選采摘,極其小心註意處理每壹環節。酒體呈鮮亮的檸檬黃色,充滿了白桃、白梨、柑橘類等葡萄柚、橘子等復雜悅人的水果香氣,伴有淡谈的酵母香。酸度清新平衡,伴有礦物質味道,經過酒泥接觸和檬木陳釀,酒體質地適中,表現力極佳,具有陳年潛力。