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The idea of Grand Siècle is based on one observation: nature will probably never provide the perfect oenological year but thanks to the art of assemblage, Laurent-Perrier can in fact create it. Going far beyond rare vintages, Grand Siècle is the blending of three outstanding years declared as vintages including 2007, 2006 and 2004.
Grand-Siècle applies the following three rules:
-Blend of a selection of 3 exceptional years, consisting of one dominant year (the youngest) complemented with 2 earlier years chosen from the rare vintages produced by Laurent-Perrier.
-Blending of a selection of 11 of the 17 existing Grand Crus in Champagne, whose characteristics are specific to the Laurent-Perrier style.
-A blend with a majority of Chardonnay supplemented by Pinot Noir and benefiting from more than 10 years of aging in the Cellars.
These three rules result in a champagne wine with a perfect balance between density, aromatic depth and complexity. It offers exceptional aging potential.
「羅蘭盛世香檳Grand Siècle」靈感來自於17世紀,當時正值路易十四在位,人稱永恆之王 (The Sun King) ,在位時期是法國文學與藝術的黃金時期並深深影響整個歐洲,第一支產自香檳區的汽泡酒也在當時出現,後來這個世紀被法國人稱為「偉大的世紀Grand Siècle」
Grand Siècle by Laurent-Perrier 選用 11 個不同 Grand Cru 出產之葡萄,以 55% Chandonnay 配搭 45% Pinot Noir,精選 3 個特色年份的香檳 (N°24為2004,2006及2007) 調和,被譽為 NV 之中的極上品。老莊主 Sir Bernard de Nonancourt 以其創新及獨具慧眼的手法,構想出絕佳品質的Grand Siècle,引領了頂級香檳 (Prestige Cuvée) 的香檳新浪潮!