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Before his untimely death in 2008, Didier Dagueneau was the “wild man of Pouilly”, on a mission to resurrect Pouilly-Fumé’s reputation for Sauvignon Blanc of the highest quality. His wines developed a cult following, and his son, Louis-Benjamin, is now following in his footsteps and continuing his legacy. In his hands, the wines are still incredibly expressive but have developed an extra layer of precision.
Country: Loire Valley, France
Rating: 90-91 Points by Robert Parker
Tasting Note: From cask, Dagueneau's 2011 Blanc Fume de Pouilly whose lots had already been assembled in the press, offers a radish-like aromatic prickle and palate bite along with piquancy of citrus pip, all of which, I predict, will put it in good stead to deliver from bottle a sense of vivacity and invigoration that are not easy to come by in this vintage. Mint and sage accent fresh orange and grapefruit on the nose and on a lush, amble, yet buoyant, lively, and refreshingly persistent as well as insistent finish.
這是一款來自法國盧瓦爾河谷(Loire Valley)產區的白葡萄酒,產自達高諾酒莊(又名:達格諾酒莊)(Domaine Didier Dagueneau)。酒莊前任釀酒師迪迪耶·達高諾(Didier Dagueneau)曾被《醇鑑》(Decanter)評為全球十大白葡萄酒釀酒師,致力於釀造頂級長相思。這位巨星雖在2008年不幸逝世,但他的兒子繼承他的風骨,釀出了獨一無二的高水準長相思。